5.6.3 Select Action Dialog Box

From this dialog box, you can assign an action or a function to a mouse button, keyboard key, hotspot, or menu item. An action can be any action you can perform within Reflection, such as sending keystrokes, running a macro, executing a menu command, navigating to a recorded host screen page, transferring a file, or printing.

Actions are divided into categories listed in the task pane on the left, and the actions or functions available for assignment to an item depends on the selected category. Some functions also require additional information, such as the keystrokes to send for a Send Key command.

The settings for Other Action appear by default. A description for each task-pane item follows.

Other Action

Action category

Select from the list of feature sets that include programmable actions.


Select the desired programmable action.

Action parameters

Specify any additional settings required to program the action. For example, if you select the actionLaunch Application, you must specify the application name and a working directory underAction parameters.

Send Key


Select an Action Identifier (AID) key from the list.

Send Text

Text to send to host

Enter the text you want to send when the action runs. You can do this in two ways:

Select a special character

Select the special character to send.

NOTE:If the Select a special character list doesn't have the character data you want to send, you can type in the string for the character data in the Text to send to hostfield. For example, type in <ESC>. Alternatively, you can hold down the ALT key and use the numeric keypad to enter the numeric code for the data. For example, to send <ESC>, enter 027.

Launch Application

NOTE:Before you create an action that opens a file or starts an application, place the file or application in a trusted location A trusted location is a directory that's designated as a secure source for opening files. By default, Reflection allows you to open documents only in directories specified as trusted locations in the Reflection settings. .

Application name

Type the name of the executable file (EXE) or clickBrowse to select it.


Type any command line parameters you want to use to start the application.

Working directory

Type the path to the folder where the application automatically searches for files.

Open URL
  • Use matched hotspot text for
  • the URL

Select this check box to create a link from any text string that matches the hotspot. The link opens the specified URL. This option is only available when mapping a hotspot to an action.


Type the desired URL.

Open in new tab

Select to open the specified URL in a new Web document in the workspace.

Open in default browser

Select to start the default Web browser at the specified URL.

Open in existing tab

Select to specify an existing Web page document.

NOTE:The document is not available from the drop-down list unless it is already open in the workspace.

Run Reflection Workspace Macro

Select macro when action occurs

Select to choose the macro each time you run the action.

Select macro

Select to specify a VBA project that contains the macro from the menu.

Action Sequence

Sequence of actions

Create and list, in order, a series of actions to be performed sequentially. Click Add to specify an action, Duplicate to add a copy of an action, Delete to remove an action, and Move up orMove down to change the order of the list.

Action category

Select from the list of feature sets that include programmable actions.


Select the desired programmable action.

Action parameters

Specify any additional settings required to program the action. For example, if you select the actionLaunch Application, you must specify the application name and a working directory underAction parameters.