Reflection supports the following macro file formats:
Settings files (.rsf,.r2w,.r4w)
SharedMacros (.rma)
Reflection Basic scripts (.rbs)
Reflection Command Line scripts (.rcl)
You can open a settings file in the workspace, or run legacy macros as an external file. You can only run RCL scripts when a VT session document is active in the workspace.
To run a legacy Reflection macro
(Recommended) If your legacy macro was created in Reflection 10.x or earlier, save it in Reflection 14.x.
The steps depend on your user interface mode.
User Interface Mode |
Steps |
Ribbon |
On the File menu or the Reflection button |
Reflection Browser |
On the Reflection menu, choose Settings and then Reflection Workspace Settings. |
TouchUx |
Tap the Gear icon and then select Reflection Workspace Settings. |
Under Trust Center, click Set Up API and Macro Security.
From the Legacy API preference menu, select Reflection, and then click OK.
On the Session ribbon, click the Run Macro button.
From the Run Macro dialog box, specify the legacy macro that you want to run.
NOTE:If the macro contains unsupported objects, its functionality may be limited or it may not run. For a list of unsupported objects and methods, see the Reflection VBA Guide (Help > VBA Guide). If your legacy macros use early binding, and if they return compiling errors when you run them, change their Reflection namespace references from Reflection to ReflectionCOM.
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