3.11.1 Add a Keyboard Shortcut That Sends Special Character Data (VT)

You can add an action that sends special characters to the host and then map it to a keyboard shortcut, a button, or another control.

To add a keyboard shortcut that sends special character data to the host

  1. Select Manage Keyboard Map.

  2. In the Keyboard map dialog box, select Modify the currently selected keyboard map file.

  3. Press the key combination you want to map (for example, CTRL+Q).

  4. Click Select Action and then select the Send Text action.

  5. In the Select a special characterlist, choose the character data to send.

    NOTE:If the Select a special character list doesn't have the character data you want to send, you can type in the string for the character data in the Text to send to hostfield. For example, type in <ESC>. Alternatively, you can hold down the ALT key and use the numeric keypad to enter the numeric code for the data. For example, to send <ESC>, enter 027.