Reflection Desktop VBA Guide
HowTos / Import Macros To the Common Project
In This Topic
    Import Macros To the Common Project
    In This Topic

    Programmatically  importing macros into the the VBA Common project enables you to add macros to this project without overwriting existing macros. This offers an advantage over deploying macros in the vbaProject.bin file, because that process removes all existing macros created locally by users in the Common project.

    Import macros with a startup macro

    One approach for importing macros is to use a Reflection startup macro that imports macros into the Common project when the Reflection Workspace opens, before any sessions are opened.

    If you use this approach, you'll need to set up the macro to  remove previous versions of the macro module to avoid cluttering the project with obsolete modules. (The startup macro runs every time Reflection is opened and imported macros are automatically renamed when they are added to the project.)

    If you have macros in session files that call the macros in the common module, you'll need to rename the imported macro module so that it retains its original name.

    The following sample shows how to determine if a new module is available, and how to remove the old module, import the new module, and rename the imported module.


    To add a startup macro that imports macros into the Common project

    1. Create a new module in the Reflection VBA Common project and add the following code.
      Import a module into a VBA macro
      Copy Code
      Sub ImportMacrosToCommonProject()
          Dim Count As Integer
          Dim FileSpec As String
          FileSpec = "C:\test\myModule.bas"
          If VBA.Len(VBA.Dir(FileSpec)) > 0 Then
              'If the module is already in the Common Project, remove the existing module
              Count = ThisFrame.VBCommonProject.VBComponents.Count
              For I = 1 To Count
                  If ThisFrame.VBCommonProject.VBComponents.Item(I).Name Like "myModule" Then
                      ThisFrame.VBCommonProject.VBComponents.Remove ThisFrame.VBCommonProject.VBComponents.Item(I)
                  End If
              Next I
              'Import the new module and rename it so it matches the name referenced by other macros
              ThisFrame.VBCommonProject.VBComponents.import FileSpec
              Count = ThisFrame.VBCommonProject.VBComponents.Count
              ThisFrame.VBCommonProject.VBComponents.Item(Count).Name = "myModule"
              Debug.Print FileSpec + " does not exist."
          End If
      End Sub
    2. In the Reflection Workspace Settings window, click Configure Workspace Defaults.
    3. In the When starting workspace list, select Run Startup action. and then click Select Action.
    4. In the Run Startup Action dialog box, in the Action list, select Run Reflection Workspace Macro.
    5. Click Select macro and then in the Select a VBA project list, select Common.
    6. Under Select a macro, select the macro you created.