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Permissions Manager Items in 6530 Terminal\Document\Productivity\RecentTyping

This group controls settings in the Configure Recent Typing dialog box accessed from the Settings window in a 6530 session.

Item Name Sub-group UI Description
ClearListOnClose Clear recent typing list when disconnected

Specifies that all saved recently typed items are discarded.
MaxListItems Maximum number of items in recent typing list

Sets the number of commands to retain in the recent typing file.
MinimumMatch Minimum size of item in recent typing list (characters)

Sets the smallest command to retain in the recent typing file.
RecentTypingCaptureBlockMode Block mode capture

Specifies that fields that are typed into are also stored as recent typing.
RecentTypingCaptureConvMode Conversational mode capture

When selected, commands are recorded, and the Inline Editing item is enabled.
RecentTypingCaptureOSSMode OSS mode capture

When selected, commands are recorded, and the Inline Editing item becomes enabled.
RecentTypingContextLoadSave Load/save recent typing list on startup/exit

Saves and loads the recent typing list on startup and exit.
RecentTypingEditorConvMode Inline editing for Conversational mode capture

The inline editor appears when a character is typed or the up or down arrow is pressed while at a command prompt.
RecentTypingEditorOSSMode Inline editing for OSS mode capture

The inline editor appears when a character is typed or the up or down arrow is pressed while at a command prompt.
RecentTypingEnabled Capture recent typing

Enables recent typing.