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Syntax: get <serverfile> [to] [<clientfile>] [append | askuser | cancel | overwrite | skip | unique]

The GET command transfers a file from the server to the PC. Wildcards are not supported with the GET command-they are treated as ordinary characters and are assumed to be part of the file name. To transfer multiple files, use MGET.

Before using the GETcommand, if necessary, use the ASCII, BINARY, TENEX2, or SMART command to override the default file transfer method setting specified on the Tools menu.

A variety of site-specific SET parameters can affect the transfer operation. Click here for more information.

<serverfile> Specifies the name of the server file.
to <clientfile> Specifies the name of the PC file to be created. If this option is omitted, the client file receives the same name as the server file. The TO keyword is optional.
append | askuser | cancel | overwrite | skip | unique Specifies what to do if the destination file already exists. If this option is omitted, the active TRANSFER-DISPOSITION setting is the default.


The following example transfers the server file MEMO.DOC from the server to the PC, giving the PC file the same name:


This example transfers the VAX/VMS FTP server file MORTGAGE.PAPERS to the PC, giving the PC file the name MORTGAGE.TXT: