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Syntax: put <clientfile> [to] [<serverfile>] [append | askuser | cancel | overwrite | skip | unique]

The PUT command transfers a file from the PC to the server.

Wildcards are not supported with the PUT command; to transfer multiple files using wildcards, use MPUT.

Before using the PUT command, if necessary, use the ASCII, BINARY, TENEX, or SMART command to override the default file transfer method setting specified on the Tools menu.

A variety of site-specific SET parameters can affect the transfer operation. Click here for more information.

<clientfile> Specifies the name of the PC file. Use quotation marks if the file or path includes spaces.
to <serverfile> Specifies the name of the server file to be created. If the server file name is omitted, the server file is given the same name as the PC file. The TO keyword is optional.
append | askuser | cancel | overwrite | skip | unique Specifies what to do if the destination file already exists. If this option is omitted, the active TRANSFER-DISPOSITION setting is the default.


The following example transfers the file Memo.doc from the PC to the server:

PUT Memo.doc

This example transfers the file HAPPY.ME from a PC to a VAX/VMS FTP server, giving the VMS file the name HAPPY.BIRTHDAY:


See ABORT_ON_ERROR Script Sample for an additional example.