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Which Actions Are Captured by the Script Recorder?

Most connection and file transfer operations you perform while the script recorder is on are recorded, but there are some exceptions: configuration options that you change via the graphical user interface are not recorded. To include file transfer and character translation configuration settings in a recorded script, enter SETparameters at the command line or edit the script to add SETparameters.


You cannot record scripts when you are connected to two sites in the same session.

The following actions generate FTP script commands that are recorded:

  • All commands entered in the command window are recorded.

  • File operations you perform using the graphical user interface (GUI). See the following table to see which FTP commands are recorded.

    FTP Command GUI Action That Generated It
    OPEN Opening an FTP Site ( Open toolbar button or menu).
    CLOSE Closing an FTP Site.
    CD Clicking on a folder in the Site pane (or using Go to dialog box).
    LCD Clicking on a folder in the Local pane.
    DELETE* Deleting a file in the Site pane.
    LDEL* Deleting a file in the Local pane.
    RDALL* Deleting a folder in the Site pane.
    LRDALL* Deleting a folder in the Local pane.
    MD Creating a folder in the Site pane.
    LMD Creating a folder in the Local pane.
    GET* Dragging a file from the Site pane to the Local pane.
    <None> Dragging a file from the Site pane to Windows Explorer, the desktop, or a My Computer folder.
    CPDIR* Dragging a folder from the Site pane to the Local pane.
    <None> Dragging a folder from the Site pane to Windows Explorer, the desktop, or a My Computer folder.
    PUT* Dragging a file from the Local pane to the Site pane.
    PUT* Dragging a file to the Site pane from Windows Explorer, the desktop, or a My Computer folder.
    LCPDIR* Dragging a folder from the Local pane to the Site pane.
    LCPDIR* Dragging a folder to the Site pane from Windows Explorer, the desktop, or a My Computer folder.

    * Multiple selection invokes this FTP Command multiple times.


  • If you enter an open <servername> <username> <password> command, the <password>is saved as obfuscated text in the script file. For example:

    open joe WPD6119O0O3929K148O6KN70652L0739LL00875N44O274
  • If the server returns an error message when a command is entered, that error message is recorded as a comment line in the script. For example:

    cd /users/bobc
    ; 550 /users/bobc: No such file or directory.

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