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FTP Client Settings Files

The Reflection FTP Client uses settings files to save your configuration. Settings files include the following information:

  • All the sites you have configured, including all site properties. If you have elected to save passwords, these are saved as encrypted text in the settings file.

  • Your settings for Transfer Method and If File Exists.

  • Settings that you have configured using the Options dialog box.

By default the client automatically opens a settings file named Settings.rfw when you start up. You can create shortcuts to launch the client and automatically open any settings file. The client's title bar displays the name of the currently open settings file. Settings files use an RFW file extension.


  • When you open a settings file, the settings in the file you open replace any currently configured settings.

  • You can also use the Import Settings command to modify your client settings. When you do, imported settings are appended to any currently configured settings and the title of your session remains unchanged.

  • Some display preferences are saved to the Windows registry, not settings files. These settings include your command pane display and your local and server pane view settings. Changes you make to any of these settings affect all client sessions regardless of what settings file is open.

  • Prior to version 13.0, settings were saved in the Windows registry. If you have upgraded from an older version your settings are migrated automatically to a settings file the first time you run the client.

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