Extensions tab

Available Extensions

The following server-side extensions are available in Reflection X Advantage.


Allows X clients to render graphical output to an off-screen buffer. For example, this allows X clients with compositing window managers to create dynamic effects like transparency and 3D rotation.


Allows applications to be notified of the regions of windows and pixmaps that are changed by rendering.

GP MIT Shared Memory

Required by certain applications. Reflection X Advantage does not support any functional capabilities of this extension. However, its presence allows these applications to operate.


Select and configure to run interactive X client applications that produce still or animated three-dimensional color objects, with shading, lighting, and other effects. See GLX Extension Options for more information. If you need to use GLX for older SGI clients, see Enable GLX Compatibility with Older SGI clients.


  • GLX is the OpenGL extension to the X Window System; OpenGL is an industry-standard three-dimensional graphics API.

  • When not configured for direct rendering mode, Only GLX version 1.4 is supported and access to an OpenGL implementation that supports Pbuffers is required.

MIT Shared Memory

Required by certain applications. Reflection X Advantage does not support any functional capabilities of this extension. However, its presence allows these applications to operate.

MIT Sundry

Permits an application to query and change the server setting that controls tolerance of old (version X11R3) X protocol bugs. The server setting applies to all applications.

It is typically safe to leave this extension enabled.


The X Resize, Rotate and Reflect Extension (RANDR) provides the ability to resize, rotate and reflect the root window of a screen.


Select and configure to use the three-dimensional graphics capabilities of newer video cards. This extension allows applications to use features such as anti-aliased fonts, drop shadows, and translucency. See Render Extension Options for more information.


Used to create and manipulate non-rectangular windows. Some applications do not appear correctly when this extension is disabled.


Synchronizes clients on different hosts running different operating systems. Support of this standard is important for multimedia applications, where audio, video, and graphics data streams are being synchronized. The extension also provides internal timers within the X server to which client requests can be synchronized, allowing simple animation applications to be implemented without any round-trip requests and making the best use of buffering within the client, network, and server.

X Big Request

Enables an application to send protocol requests that exceed 262,140 bytes in length.

X Direct Access

Required by certain applications. Reflection X Advantage does not support any functional capabilities of this extension. However, its presence allows these applications to operate.

X Fixes

Supports notification of selection changes, tracking and naming of cursor images, and region objects. Also improves the reliability of embedded applications. The Damage extension uses the region object support of this extension.

XFree86 Big Font

Removes duplicate font metric (size) data for large fonts. This compresses QueryFont replies and reduces the amount of memory used for displaying large fonts.

X Generic Event

Provides a template event for extensions to re-use a single event opcode. This extension only provides headers and the most basic functionality, leaving the extensions to interpret the events in their specific context.

X Input

Allows X clients to use the X Input extension APIs to query, change, and modify the core input devices (mouse and keyboard).

X Keyboard

Makes it possible to clearly and explicitly specify most aspects of keyboard behavior on a per-key basis. This extension adds the notion of a keyboard group to the global keyboard state and provides mechanisms to more closely track the logical and physical state of the keyboard. For keyboard-control clients, it provides descriptions and symbolic names for many aspects of keyboard appearance and behavior. It also includes additional keyboard controls designed to make keyboards more accessible to people with movement impairments.

X Test

Allows an application to test the X server automatically, with no user intervention, primarily by allowing synthesis of input device events.

NOTE:It is typically safe to leave this extension enabled. However, it is only required by automated test applications.