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Feature Guide for Upgrading from Legacy Reflection X

If you are upgrading from legacy Reflection X products, use the following tables to find features in Reflection X.

Client Settings

Legacy Reflection X client files (*.rxc) are migrated automatically to Reflection X Clients and XDMCP Connections the first time you run Reflection X. See Upgrading from Legacy Reflection X.

Legacy Reflection X Reflection X
Client file (.rxc) All settings are saved to the Reflection X database
X Client connection settings such as Method, Host name, User name, Password, and Command Client definition.
Advanced client connection settings Client definition > select a Connection method >click Advanced.
Secure Shell authentication and encryption Client definition > Connection method = Secure Shell > Advanced button
Secure Shell key management Tools >Secure Shell User Keys, Tools >Secure Shell Host Keys
XDMCP connection settings XDMCP Connection definition

Server Settings

Legacy Reflection X server settings are stored in the Windows registry. These settings are migrated automatically to Reflection X session definitionsthe first time you run Reflection X.


A session definition is a combination of settings that affect how Reflection X manages and displays your connections. You can associate a default session definition with each of your X clients (including XDMCP connections), or configure these definitions to prompt you for a session name when you start the client. If the associated session is not already running, Reflection X starts the session when you start the client.

Server settings are migrated to a session definition called "config." (If you created any new X Server Instances, these settings are migrated using the name you provided.)

Setting Legacy Reflection X Reflection X
Window Manager
Window mode > General > or
Microsoft Windows desktop Show clients on my desktop
X terminal desktop Show clients on X terminal desktop
X display number Display > Require display number (By default, Reflection X dynamically chooses a display number based on available ports.)
X Screen
Number of X screens > Specify total number Display Click plus (+) in the title bar of the Screen Definition table to add a screen.
Virtual width pixels Display > Screen Definition table > Virtual Width (Pixels)
Virtual height pixels Display > Screen Definition table > Virtual Height (Pixels)
MM width dimension Display > Screen Definition table > Width (mm)
MM height dimension Display > Screen Definition table > Height (mm)
Place it on monitor(s) Display > Screen Definition table > Monitor
Full size (no title bar) Display > Screen Definition table > Hide Title Bar
Backing store, Save unders Display > Backing store
Enable X11R3 bug compatibility Display > Permit X11R3 bugs
Exit when last client closed General > On last client > Stop session and exit X Manager
Confirm close when clients are connected File > Preferences > On exiting X Manager > Prompt
Extensions Extensions
Log file See Log Files
Log X protocol errors Logging > Log X protocol errors
Font path Fonts > Server font path
Allow font scaling Fonts > Allow font scaling
Log font activity Logging > Log font activity
Try font server on client host Fonts > Use font server on X client host
Allow font substitution Fonts > Allow font substitutions
Default visual type Display> Screen Definition table > Default Visual Type
Colormap preallocation Display > Screen Definition table > Black and White Pixels and Allocate B\&W in Client Maps
Set maximum colormaps to 1 Display > Set maximum colormaps to 1
Advertise linear visuals Display > Screen Definition table > Linear Visuals
Advertise single depth visuals Display > Screen Definition table > Single Depth Visuals
RGB Color file Display > Color scheme > Edit >Import
Host-based security Security > Host-based authorization
Host access security file Security > Authorized Hosts (this option is visible when Host-based authorization is enabled.)
User-based security Security > User-based authorization
User authorization Duration Security > Authorization timeout (this option is visible when User-based authorization is enabled.)
Disable remote TCP/IP connections Security > Allow remote IP connections
Enable keep alives Advanced > Perform IP keep alives
Log server network activity Logging > Log network activity
Keyboard settings
Backspace key sends Keyboard > Backspace sends
Allow clients to remap keyboard Keyboard > Permit X clients to remap the keyboard
Host keyboard Keyboard > Keyboard Map (select a predefined keyboard)
Keyboard map Keyboard > Keyboard Map > Edit (To create a custom keyboard map, start by cloning the default keyboard map.)
Enable Mouse wheel scroll Mouse > Mouse wheel scroll > Disable scroll wheel
Mouse wheel > Customize Mouse > Mouse wheel scroll
Enable middle button emulation Mouse > Enable middle button emulation
Middle button detection speed Mouse > Middle button detection speed
Selection bound to clipboard Display > Selection bound to clipboard
Input Method Keyboard > Native IME Support
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