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Color Schemes Dialog Box in X Manager

How do I get to this dialog box?

From X Manager or X Manager for Domains

  1. Click Tools > Color Schemes.

  2. To create an editable copy of the default color scheme, set Select scheme to Default, and click Clone.

From the X Administrative Console

  1. Click the Domain Definitions tab.

  2. On the left pane, expand Color Schemes.

  3. To create an editable copy of the default color scheme, right-click Default and select Clone Color Scheme.

From this dialog box you can view and change the colors in a color scheme.


Color schemes translate string color names requested by clients into RGB (red, green, blue) values.

You can select another scheme, create a new scheme, or import a scheme from a color map file. You can also edit any of the colors in a scheme, or create a new color for a scheme.


When you import or save schemes, they are saved in your personal settings. These "personal" color schemes are available to you the next time you log on to Reflection X.

Available Color Schemes

Option Description
Select scheme Select a personal color scheme. This list includes the default color scheme and schemes that you have imported or created and saved.
Import Opens the Import Color Scheme dialog box, from which you can import an existing RGB color text file to create a new color scheme.
Clone Copy the current color scheme. In X Manager for Domains, if you copy a public definition that is read-only, you can edit the copy.
Scheme name The name of the color scheme definition. Use the one provided, or enter your own.
Colors in scheme Displays the entries in the RGB color scheme in a two-column table. The first column shows how the color appears on your display; the second shows the name of the color.
Note: Many of the colors have two names: a single name with mixed case (for example, ForestGreen), and another in all lowercase (for example, forest green). Both names are included because X clients might request the color by either name.
+and – controls Add or remove colors from the scheme.
Color column sorts by Specify the way you want the Color column to sort: by hue (the default), saturation, or brightness.
HSB Displays hue, saturation, and brightness (HSB) values for the color selected in the Color column. Use the slider on the HSB tab to change the HSB values of the selected color.
Note: The HSB slider is not displayed for default color schemes because these schemes cannot be modified.
RGB Displays the red, green, and blue (RGB) values for the color selected in the Color column. Use the sliders on the RGB tab to change the RGB values of the selected color.
Note: The RGB slider is not displayed for default color schemes because these schemes cannot be modified.
Preview Shows how the color selected in the Color column will appear.

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