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rxsconfig Command Line Utility for Domain Configuration

Use rxsconfig to:

  • Add the local computer (the one from which you run this utility) as a node to a Reflection X domain.

  • Remove the local computer from the domain.

  • Place a domain in recovery mode.

  • Display a list of configured Reflection X services processes.

  • Restart a domain node

General syntax

rxsconfig join | leave | list | check | recover | reload | restart | version

Use the following syntax to view the options available for each command.

rxsconfig <command> -help


Adds the local computer as a node on the specified domain. (See options below.) The join syntax is:

rxsconfig join [-uuser] [-ppassword] [-f] [-aalternate-address[,...]]domain[node-listening-address]

For example, to add the computer from which you are running rxsconfig to a Reflection X domain running on

rxsconfig join


Removes the local computer from the domain. (See options below.) The leave syntax is:

rxsconfig leave [-uuser] [-ppassword] [-f]domain[node-listening-address]

For example:

rxsconfig leave


Displays configured Reflection X Service processes (domain controllers, domain nodes, and remote session service nodes) sorted by port number. Each line contains the listening address and a brief description. The list syntax is:

rxsconfig list


Checks if the domain node is reachable. The check syntax is:

rxsconfig check [domain_listening_address]

For example:

rxsconfig check


Instructs the domain to enter recovery mode the next time the service starts. Use recovery mode if you are locked out of a domain because you forgot the administrator password, changed authentication methods without adding an administrative account, or experience a problem with the external authentication system. The recover syntax is:

rxsconfig recover [-f] [domain_listening_address]

For additional information about using the recover option, see Unlock a Domain.


Reloads the domain node. The reload syntax is:

rxsconfig reload


Restarts a domain node. The restart syntax is:

rxsconfig restart [domain_listening_address]

For example:

rxsconfig restart


Displays Reflection X version information. The version syntax is:

rxsconfig version


  • You must have root/administrative privileges on the computer in order to use rxsconfig.

  • On Linux systems, the installer does not add rxsconfig to the path. Run it from the install directory, include complete path information, or add it to your path. On Linux systems, the default location is /opt/microfocus/ReflectionX/rxsconfig.

  • For newer Windows systems (starting with Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008), you need to open the command window as an administrator. (In the Start menu, under Accessories, right-click Command Prompt and select Run As Administrator).

Options Description
-u user (optional) Specifies a Reflection X domain administrator. You will be prompted for a user name if this parameter is not specified.
-p password (optional) Specifies the Reflection X domain user's password. You will be prompted for a password if this parameter is not specified.
-f (optional) Runs rxsconfig in non-interactive mode. In this mode, -u,-p and domain are required parameters. The default response is used for any unspecified options.
-aalternate-address (optional) Defines a comma delimited list of one or more alternate addresses for the domain node. Use this option if the node you are configuring resides behind a firewall that uses Network Address Translation (NAT). For example:,
You can omit the port and specify only an IP address. In this case, the port from the primary listening address is used.
Note: You can also add or modify alternate addresses for a node from the X Administrative Console Domain Composition tab.
domain (required for join or leave) The name of the Reflection X domain controller, such as
node-listening-address (optional) For join, this specifies the local listening address to use for the domain node, for example,
If you omit this option, rxsconfig automatically generates an address for you on (all available IP addresses) using port 22001 (or this first available port after 22001 if this port is not available).
Specifying binds the node service to all available IP addresses. To bind to a specific IP address, specify that IP address. For example, to bind to an external facing network card using IP address and port 22006:
rxsconfig join
You can omit the IP address and specify only a port, as shown below. In this case rxsconfig defaults to
rxsconfig join 22006
For leave, this option is only needed if you added multiple nodes for the local computer on the specified domain.
-help Displays a summary of command line options. Used alone this option displays the command choices.

rxsconfig -help

To see syntax details include a command. For example:

rxsconfig join -help

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