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SOCKS Proxies Dialog Box

How do I get to this dialog box?

From the Administrative Console

  1. Click the Domain Status tab.

  2. From the Running Sessions tab, select a running session.

  3. Click the plus sign ( + ) next to Allowed Users.

From X Manager for Domains

  1. Under Session Definitions, running sessions appear beneath the session definition.

  2. Select a running session to display the Session Status pane on the right.

  3. Click the plus sign ( + ) next to Allowed Users.

Use this dialog box to configure connections to SOCKS proxy hosts. To add a SOCKS Proxy to the list, click Add and enter the following:

Setting Description
Host The host name or IP address of the proxy server.
Port Port on which the SOCKS server listens for connections. The default is 1080.
User A valid user on the SOCKS proxy server. This may be required for some proxy servers.
If no username is specified, the connection is made with no user authentication. If Type is SOCKS5, connections with no user name may be allowed or denied depending on the server configuration.
If a username is specified and Type is SOCKS5, X client connections that use this proxy require you to enter the password for the specified user on the proxy server.
If a username is specified and Type is SOCKS4, the username is sent to the SOCKS server, but not authenticated. The username may be ignored or required depending on the server configuration.
Type SOCKS4 - The connection is made using the SOCKS4 protocol. All aspects of the protocol are used. The SOCKS4 protocol supports IPv4 only.
SOCKS5 - The connection supports anonymous authentication (no authentication) and username/password authentication. IPv4 address types are supported, but not IPv6.

To configure an X client connection to use SOCKS

  1. Use the SOCKS Proxies dialog box to configure a connection to one or more SOCKS proxy servers.

  2. In your client definition, set Connection method to Secure Shell (the default), and click Advanced to open the Advanced Secure Shell Settings dialog box.

  3. Click the SOCKS Proxy tab and select a SOCKS proxy from the drop-down list.


    To view information about the SOCKS proxy connection in the X Manager log file, select Log SSH debug output on the session Logging tab. You can use the xmanager.log file to confirm a successful connection using the configured SOCKS protocol. For example, a successful connection through a SOCKS5 protocol connection logs the following message: "Completed handshake using SOCKS5 protocol. Socket channel is connected."

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