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Upgrading from Earlier Versions of Reflection X

If you are upgrading from an earlier version of Reflection X (or any product that includes Reflection X as a feature), note the following:

  • You can run the new installer with an installed version in place. The earlier version is uninstalled as part of the installation process. If you are upgrading from Reflection X 5.1 or later, your existing settings are retained and used automatically after the upgrade. Your database files are migrated to the current version the first time Reflection X is started. If upgrading from Reflection X 5.0 or earlier, your settings are not automatically migrated. (See Migrating version 4.2 and earlier to 17.0 and higher and Migrating version 5.0 to 16.2 and higher). Regardless of which version you are upgrading from, Start Menu shortcuts are moved to a new Micro Focus Reflection folder.

  • Reflection X stores user data (including database files for the standalone X Manager and user log files) in a different location than that used prior to version 5.1. The data location used for the domain database has not changed.

    If you install without uninstalling your prior version, Reflection X continues to store its data in the prior version's user data location.


    If the prior version is 5.0 or earlier, Reflection X doesn't automatically migrate settings.

    If you uninstall the prior version before installing, Reflection X uses the current version's default database location. If the prior version is 5.0 or earlier, Reflection X doesn't automatically migrate settings. You must copy your settings from the prior version as described in Migrating version 5.0 to 16.2 and higher.

    For details see Reflection X Data Files.

  • If you use the Remote Session Services feature to configure distributed sessions with the standalone X Manager, you must upgrade all components at the same time. This feature does not support mixed versions.

  • If you distribute sessions with the Management and Security Server Administrative Console, review the information in Managing Upgrades for Management and Security Server Sessions.

Migrating version 4.2 and earlier to 17.0 and higher

Reflection X 17.0 does not support eXist database migration. If you are migrating from version 4.2 or earlier to version 17.0 or higher, export the database file before you uninstall the 4.2 version as shown below.

Upgrade version 4.2 and earlier to version 17.0 or higher

  1. Before uninstalling Reflection X version 4.2, export a 4.2 .rxd file.

    See Export a Definition for information about exporting.

  2. Uninstall version 4.2.

  3. Install version 17.0 (or higher).

  4. Start X Manager.

  5. Import the 4.2 .rxd file into version 17.0 (or higher).

    See Import a Definition for information about importing.

Migrating version 5.0 to 16.2 and higher

If you are migrating from version 5.0 to version 16.2 or higher, export the database file before you uninstall the 5.0 version as shown below.

Upgrade version 5.0 to version 16.2 or higher

  1. Uninstall version 5.0.

  2. Install version 16.2 (or higher).

  3. Copy the %userprofile%\.attachmate\rx\db\* directory to %userprofile%\Documents\Micro Focus\Reflection\db\.

  4. Start X Manager to upgrade the database.

Upgrading Reflection X domains

Certficates and upgrading domains from version 16.2 and earlier

Reflection X 17.0+ domain components are not backwards compatible with version 16.2 and earlier domain components and certificates. When you upgrade from version 16.2, you'll need to remove old certificates and reinstall the domain components as follows.

  1. Use rxsconfig to remove all nodes from the domain as shown in Remove a Domain Node.

  2. Stop the Micro Focus Reflection X Service on the domain controller and on any domain nodes as shown in Start and Stop the Reflection X Service.

  3. Delete the digital certificates (\*.cer files) and private keys (files without file extensions that have the same base file names as the certificates) that identify the domain controller and all nodes on the domain. These files are located within the Reflection X Service conf directory of each domain machine. (See Reflection X Service configuration files and Upgrade Digital Certificates used by Reflection X Domains.)


    Do not delete any of the XML files in the conf folder.

  4. Install Reflection X 17.0 on all machines in the domain.

  5. Use rxsconfig to rejoin the nodes as shown in Set Up Domain Nodes.

Upgrading Domain components on Linux systems and installing to a different directory

From Reflection X 18.0 onwards, Domain nodes, controllers and services run under the reflectionx user. When upgrading to Reflection 18.0+, and you are installing to a new location, you must ensure that any folder copied to the new install location is owned by the new user.


If you are not installing the upgrade to a different directory than the previous version, the Reflection X installer will take care of everything without any need for these steps.

There are two ways to ensure that previous Reflection X data is owned by the correct user when upgrading to a new install location.

Using the installer to automatically configure the files:
  1. Make a backup of your configuration files (your "conf", "db" and "logs" folder)
  2. Before running the Reflection X 18.0 installer, create the new folder path you wish to install into and move your previous data into it.
  3. Run the Reflection X installer and the installer will automatically change the user ownership of the files.
Manually fixing files after install
  1. Make a backup of your configuration files (your "conf" and "db" folder. Optionally the "logs" folder as well)
  2. Run the Reflection X installer and install to your new location
  3. Copy over your old configuration data to the new location. This includes contents of the "db", "conf" and "logs" folder.
  4. As root, change ownership of these folders to the new reflectionx user by running the following commands as root.

    chown -R reflectionx:reflectionx db

    chown -R reflectionx:reflectionx conf

    chown -R reflectionx:reflectionx logs

Which Reflection X version am I running?

For version information, go to Help > About X Manager. The information displayed always shows the currently installed version. If you are connected to an older domain controller, the display also shows the current running version. On Windows, Reflection X is installed as a feature in Reflection Desktop installers, and this information is also included.

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