1.0 Introduction

Reflection for the Web is a separate web application that uses Host Access Management and Security Server (MSS) to create, configure, and centrally manage secure web-based sessions to a variety of hosts.

Reflection for the Web 13.2 includes and requires Management and Security Server 12.8.

1.1 What’s New

Reflection for the Web 13.2 includes these new and updated features.

  • Expanded the use of Reflection for the Web Launcher to administrators as well as end users. The Launcher eliminates the need for Oracle’s JRE or the Java browser plug-in, and can be used with any browser.

  • When an individual session is launched directly using the Reflection for the Web Launcher, a second window may appear for authentication purposes. Once authentication succeeds, the second window is automatically hidden.

  • Updated Management and Security Server (MSS) to version 12.8

  • Updated Apache Tomcat to v9.0.39

  • Added support for TLS 1.3

  • Updated Bouncy Castle libraries

For further details, see the Release Notes.

1.2 Before you begin

This guide is written for the administrator who wishes to evaluate the Reflection for the Web Launcher and other features in Reflection for the Web version 13.2.

In the Evaluation Scenario, note the company requirements and how Reflection for the Web Launcher can be used to meet them. Then follow the Configuration Steps.

You may want to refer to these resources while evaluating Reflection for the Web:

1.3 The basics: How Reflection for the Web works

Reflection for the Web provides user access to web-based terminal emulation sessions that connect to host applications located inside or outside of the firewall. Applets are downloaded to each user’s workstation as needed and are cached locally for faster performance.

Briefly, here’s how Reflection for the Web works:

  1. An administrator installs Reflection for the Web on a web server and either installs or uses an existing installation of Management and Security Server (MSS).

  2. The administrator uses the MSS Administrative Console to create, configure, and secure terminal emulation sessions. Optional security settings can be configured on a per-session basis.

  3. A user clicks a link to start a terminal session.

  4. The Reflection for the Web emulation applet is downloaded to the user's workstation and is cached locally.

  5. The user connects to and communicates with the host system using the downloaded emulation applet.

  6. When the session is closed (Save/Exit), settings are sent to the Management and Security Server.

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