3.2 Obtaining a Long-Lived Access Token

After you have created an OAuth2 application and configured Access Manager for OAuth2, you must generate a long-lived access token that Secure API Manager uses to authenticate the APIs. You must obtain this long-lived access token from each Identity Server cluster.

  1. Log in to the appliance management console as vaadmin on any appliance.

  2. Click Deployment Manager to access the Deployment Manager.

  3. Click the Access Manager Integration tab.

  4. In the Access Manager Identity Server DNS Name and Access Manager Identity Server Port fields, provide the DNS name and port for your Access Manager Identity Server.

  5. Click Auto-Fill to have the Deployment Manager populate the fields with the information from Access Manager.

  6. In the Client Id field and the Client Secret field, enter the Client ID and Secret that you recorded in Step 5.f.

  7. Click Get Token to generate the long-live access token.

    WARNING:If your Access Manager contract contains two-factor authentication as a method, Secure API Manager cannot retrieve the token. Disable any two-factor authentication methods until after you obtain the long-live access token.

  8. Click Save to save the configuration information.

You can now deploy Secure API Manager using the information from the OAuth2 application. You complete the integration of Secure API Manager and Access Manager during the deployment of Secure API Manager.