9.5 Debugging Pods


Use the Command

To view the status of pods

kubectl get pods -n <ingress-namespace> -w

Example: kubectl get pods -n nsl-ingress -w

To view the detailed info about the pods

kubectl describe pod <slserver-podname> -n <ingress-namespace>

Example: kubectl describe pod slserver-59484f68d-6dkvl -n nsl-ingress

To delete the pod

kubectl delete pod <slserver-podname> -n <ingress-namespace>

Example: kubectl delete pod slserver-59484f68d-6dkvl -n nsl-ingress

To list the helm charts

helm list -n <ingress-namespace>

Example: helm list -n nsl-ingress

To check the status of helm (that was used to deploy Advanced Edition)

helm status <chart-name> -n <ingress-namespace>

Example: helm status slserver001 -n nsl-ingress

To upgrade helm (to deploy updated docker images)

helm upgrade <release-name> <name-of-the-helm-chart> -n <name-of-the-namespace>

For example, helm upgrade slserver SecureLogin-Server-x.x.x.x -n my-ingress

To uninstall helm

helm uninstall <name-of-the-release> -n <namespace>

Example: helm uninstall slserver001 -n nsl-ingress

To restart the Advanced Edition server

kubectl rollout restart deployment <deployment name> -n <namespace>

Example: kubectl rollout restart deployment slserver -n nsl-ingress

To check the Advanced Edition server debug log

kubectl logs -f pod/<slserver-podname> -n <ingress-namespace>

NOTE:By default, the log level is set to “ERROR”. Other available levels are DEBUG, INFO, ERROR, WARN, TRACE, FATAL, and OFF.

To change the log level:

  1. Open SecureLogin-Server-x.x.x.x\values.yaml.

  2. Specify the required level in rootLevel.

  3. Perform the helm upgrade.

To get all services and their IP addresses

kubectl get services -n <ingress-namespace>

Example: kubectl get services -n nsl-ingress