You must install Elasticsearch and the required plug-ins on each external node of the Elasticsearch cluster.
To install and configure Elasticsearch:
Install the JDK version supported by Elasticsearch.
Ensure that the Elasticsearch user has access to Java.
Download the certified version of Elasticsearch RPM. For more information about the certified version of Elasticsearch and the download URL, see the Sentinel System Requirements page.
Install Elasticsearch:
rpm -ivh elasticsearch-<version>.rpm
Complete the tasks as mentioned on-screen in the RPM post-installation instructions.
Set the file descriptors by adding the following properties in the /etc/security/limits.conf file:
elasticsearch hard nofile 65536
elasticsearch soft nofile 65536
elasticsearch soft as unlimited
NOTE:After you complete the above prerequisites, run the sysctl -p command to reload the changes made to the files.
Update the default Elasticsearch heap size in the /etc/elasticsearch/jvm.options file.
The heap size must be 50% of the server memory. For example, on a 24 GB Elasticsearch node, allocate 12 GB as the heap size for optimal performance.
Restart the Elasticsearch.
Repeat all of the above steps on each external Elasticsearch nodes of the Elasticsearch cluster.