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Enterprise Server

Upgrading Enterprise Server

If you upgraded from a version of Micro Focus Server and have retained any enterprise servers that have a Web Services listener, you will receive an error when you deploy informing you that the listener cannot be found. To fix this, change the listener name before deploying using one of the following methods:

  • From Enterprise Server Administration, change the listener name from Web Services to Web Services and J2EE.
  • Edit your deployment service (usually named Deployer) and add the following lines to the Configuration Information area: [destination] listener=Web Services
  • If your deployment service doesn't have the listener name specified, edit the base\deploy\.mfdeploy file changing the Web Services listener name to Web Services and J2EE .
Dynamic Debugging with Enterprise Server

If dynamic debugging is not enabled for the enterprise server on which you are running an application, you receive an alert when you try to debug. You need to enable dynamic debugging for the server by checking Allow Dynamic Debugging on the Edit page of Enterprise Server Administration and restarting the server or by checking Dynamic Debug on the ESMAC > Control page which will enable debugging until the server is stopped.

Enterprise Server Administration Web page

If the buttons on the Enterprise Server Administration Web page don't work, you need to enable Active Scripting or Javascript in your browser.


Active Content Blocked

If the Web Browser tells you it's blocking active content, when you view the Help, you need to allow active content.

Viewing the Help

You can view the Server Enterprise Edition Help in a separate browser window while you are using the Enterprise Server Administration Web interface, by clicking Contents in the menu at the left-hand side of the page. For this link to work, you must have the following in place:

  • An enterprise server that has a Web listener with the following entry in the [virtual paths] section: docs=<ES>/help
  • The enterprise server must be started
ESDEMO Configuration

The default enterprise server, ESDEMO, may not have the correct configuration information entry for its Web listener. If you encounter problems accessing the Help while you are using ESDEMO, you must correct the entry using the Edit Listener page. Note that references to this configuration entry in the context help and the Enterprise Server Configuration and Administration Guide are no longer correct and you must use the entry as specified above.

When you create a new enterprise server, a Web listener with the required configuration information entry is automatically created.

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