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A Filename instance represents an operating system filename, and includes methods to set and get the file path and extension separately from the name.

You can also create a collection of filename instances, representing all the files that match a file specification which includes wildcards, by using the "expandWildcards" method.

Class-Control Entry

Include this entry in the Class-Control paragraph of any program using this class.

Filename is class "filename"



buttonClass Methods

Instance Methods

The list below does not include methods inherited from Base. For these methods, click the button below:


AppendDir Using lnkDir
asExternalFilename Returning lnkFilename
asInternalFilename Returning lnkFile
asParameter Returning lnkValue
basename Returning lnkPath
containsCharacters Returning lnkbool
containsDBCSCharacters Returning lnkbool
copy Returning lnkNewFilename
equal Using lnkFilename
Returning lnkBool
equalsIgnoreCase Using lnkFilename
Returning lnkBool
exists Returning lnkBool
extension Returning lnkPath
filenameWithOutDir Returning lnkPath
finalize Returning lnkObject
findNext Returning lnkFileName
fullfilename Returning lnkPath
getAddress Returning lnkPtr
getValue Returning lnkValue
getValueZ Returning lnkValue
IsDirectory Returning lnkBool
IsHidden Returning lnkBool
IsReadOnly Returning lnkBool
IsSystemFile Returning lnkBool
path Returning lnkPath
setBasename Using lnkBaseName
setBasenameZ Using lnkBaseName
setExtension Using lnkExtension
setExtensionZ Using lnkExtension
setPath Using lnkPath
setPathZ Using lnkPath
size Returning lnkSize
sizeInBytes Returning lnkSize
sizeOfFile Returning lnkSize