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An instance of IdentitySet is a collection of non-ordered objects or intrinsics. Duplicates are not allowed in an IdentitySet.

An IdentitySet is more specific than a ValueSet as it compares object references instead of values. For example, if you asked it to find the element myElement it would only find it if the IdentitySet contained the same object reference as myElement.

See class ValueSet.

Class-Control Entry

Include this entry in the Class-Control paragraph of any program using this class.

IdentitySet is class "iset"



buttonClass Methods

Instance Methods

The list includes methods inherited from superclasses up to, but not including, Collection. For other inherited methods, click the button below:


add Using anelement
capacity Returning acollectionsize
concat Using acollection
Returning anewcollection
copy Returning result
do Using amessage
doWithOutCopy Using amessage
includes Using anelement
Returning lnkbool
minus Using acollection
Returning anewcollection
occurrencesOf Using anelement
Returning anumber
remove Using anelement
reverseDo Using amessage
size Returning acollectionsize