nilobject | Base Class Library | PicXToObject |
An OrderedCollection manages the storage of elements in the order in which they were added to the collection. One of the main advantages of OrderedCollections over Arrays is that they can grow dynamically as more elements are added. You can use OrderedCollections to implement stacks and queues.
Include this entry in the Class-Control paragraph of any program using this class.
orderedcollection is class "ordrdcll"
The list includes methods inherited from superclasses up to, but not including, Collection. For other inherited methods, click the button below:
add | Using anelement |
addAfter | Using anelement anelement2 |
addAfterIndex | Using anelement anindex |
addAll | Using acollection |
addAllFirst | Using acollection |
addAllLast | Using acollection |
addBefore | Using anelement anelement2 |
addBeforeIndex | Using anelement anindex |
addFirst | Using anelement |
addLast | Using anelement |
addSubCollectionFirst | Using acollection fromindex toindex |
addSubCollectionLast | Using acollection fromindex toindex |
after | Using anelement Returning anelement2 |
at | Using anindex Returning anelement2 |
atAllPut | Using anelement |
atNoGC | Using anindex Returning anelement2 |
atPut | Using anindex anelement |
before | Using anelement Returning anelement2 |
capacity | Returning lnksize |
clear | |
collect | Using amessage Returning anewcollection |
concat | Using acollection Returning anewcollection |
copyFromTo | Using fromindex toindex Returning anewcollection |
copyReplace | Using fromindex toindex acollection Returning anewcollection |
copyReplaceAll | Using acollection acollection2 Returning anewcollection |
copyWith | Using anelement Returning anewcollection |
copyWithOut | Using anelement Returning anewcollection |
deepCopy | Returning anewcollection |
do | Using amessage |
doWithOutCopy | Using amessage |
equal | Using acollection Returning lnkbool |
findFirst | Using amessage Returning anindex |
findLast | Using amessage Returning anindex |
first | Returning anelement |
firstIndexOf | Using anelement fromindex toindex Returning anindex |
firstIndexOfIdentity | Using anelement fromindex toindex Returning anindex |
grow | |
growTo | Using requiredSize Returning defaultreturn |
indexOfSubCollection | Using acollection anindex Returning anindex2 |
insertAllAfter | Using anindex acollection Returning anewcollection |
isat | Using anelement anindex Returning lnkbool |
isatIdentity | Using anelement anindex Returning lnkbool |
keysAndDatado | Using amessage |
last | Returning anelement |
lastIndexOf | Using anelement fromindex toindex Returning anindex |
occurrencesOf | Using anelement Returning anumber |
reject | Using amessage Returning anewcollection |
remove | Using anelement |
removeAllSuchThat | Using amessage |
removeAtIndex | Using anindex Returning anElement |
removeFirst | Using anumber |
removeFirstandFinalize | Using anumber |
removeLast | Using anumber |
removeLastandFinalize | Using anumber |
replaceAll | Using anelement anelement2 fromindex toindex |
replaceSubCollection | Using fromindex toindex acollection fromSource |
reverse | Returning anewcollection |
reverseDo | Using amessage |
select | Using amessage Returning anewcollection |
size | Returning lnksize |
withDo | Using acollection amessage |