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Base Class Library


A COBOLComp5 stores a COBOL pic x(n) comp-5 enabling you to treat data of this type as an object. A Cobolpicx stores a COBOL pic x(n) enabling you to treat data of this type as an object. This class provides the basic comparison operators, display mechanism and hashing methods for picx items. Its main use is to provide templates for creating collections "ofValues", and associations; CharacterArray objects are more efficient for storing and manipulating strings.

See method newClass in class intrinsic.

See class CharacterArray.

Class-Control Entry

Include this entry in the Class-Control paragraph of any program using this class.

cobolpicx is class "picx"



buttonClass Methods

Instance Methods

The list includes methods inherited from superclasses up to, but not including, intrinsic. For other inherited methods, click the button below:


asCharacterArray Returning lnknewstring
asLowercase Returning newstring
asPicX Returning newobject
asSeparateLines Returning lnkcollection
asUppercase Returning newstring
at Using anindex
Returning lnkchar
atPut Using anindex lnkchar
compareTo Using anarray
Returning lnkResult
concat Using anobject
Returning newstring
containsCharacters Returning lnkbool
description Returning astring
equalsIgnoreCase Using anobject
Returning lnkbool
equalsIgnoreCasebyLengthValue Using comparelength comparevalue
Returning lnkbool
greaterThanbyLengthValue Using comparelength comparevalue
Returning lnkbool
greaterThanOrEqualByLengthValue Using comparelength comparevalue
Returning lnkbool
hash Returning ahashvalue
indexOfString Using anobject anindex
Returning anindex2
lessThanbyLengthValue Using comparelength comparevalue
Returning lnkbool
setValue Using avalue
trimBlanks Returning newstring