Micro Focus®
Issue 4
September 2001
Copyright © 2002 Micro Focus International Limited.
All rights reserved.
Micro Focus International Limited has made every effort to ensure that this book is correct and accurate, but reserves the right to make changes without notice at its sole discretion at any time. The software described in this document is supplied under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license, and in particular any warranty of fitness of Micro Focus software products for any particular purpose is expressly excluded and in no event will Micro Focus be liable for any consequential loss.
Animator®, COBOL Workbench®, EnterpriseLink®, Mainframe Express®, Micro Focus®, Net Express®, REQL® and Revolve® are registered trademarks, and AAI™, Analyzer™, Application to Application Interface™, AddPack™, AppTrack™, AssetMiner™, CCI™, DataConnect™, Dialog System™, EuroSmart™, FixPack™, LEVEL II COBOL™, License Management Facility™, License Server™, Mainframe Access™, Mainframe Manager™, Micro Focus COBOL™, Object COBOL™, OpenESQL™, Personal COBOL™, Professional COBOL™, Server Express™, SmartFind™, SmartFind Plus™, SmartFix™, SourceConnect™, Toolbox™, VS COBOL™, WebSync™, and Xilerator™ are trademarks of Micro Focus International Limited. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS. It is acknowledged that the Software and the Documentation were developed at private expense, that no part is in the public domain, and that the Software and Documentation are Commercial Computer Software provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS under Federal Acquisition Regulations and agency supplements to them. Use, duplication or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of The Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFAR 252.227-7013 et. seq. or subparagraphs (c)(1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software Restricted Rights at FAR 52.227-19, as applicable. Contractor is Micro Focus International Limited, 9420 Key West Avenue, Rockville, Maryland 20850. Rights are reserved under copyright laws of the United States with respect to unpublished portions of the Software.
This book contains the Master Index and the Master Glossary.
The Master Index is a merging of the indexes of all the other manuals that make up the documentation of Server Express. This index will help you find your way quickly to any topic.
The Master Glossary explains terms used in all the documentation.
This manual is intended for programmers already familiar with the COBOL language. It is assumed that you have read the Getting Started book included with this product.
This Master Index is a combination of the indexes from the following books. The abbreviated name for each book, as used in the index, is also shown:
Compatibility Guide | Compatibility Guide |
Configuring CCI | Configuring CCI |
Database Access | Database Access |
Debugging Handbook | Debugging Handbook |
Dialog System Character Mode User's Guide | Dialog System Character |
Distributed Computing | Distributed Computing |
Error Messages | Error Messages |
File Handling | File Handling |
Fileshare User's Guide | Fileshare User's Guide |
Getting Started | Getting Started |
Internet Applications | Internet Applications |
Language Reference | Language Reference |
Language Reference - Additional Topics | LR - Additional Topics |
License Management Facility Administrator's Guide | LMF Admin Guide |
Managing Application Server Licenses with AppTrack | AppTrack |
Migration Guide | Migration Guide |
Multi-threaded Programming | Multi-threading |
OO Programming with Object COBOL | OO Programming |
Programmer's Guide to Creating User Interfaces | PG to Creating UIs |
Programmer's Guide to Writing Programs | PG to Writing Programs |
User's Guide | User's Guide |
Utilities Handbook | Utilities Handbook |
The book Class Library Reference is not included in the Master Index.