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Chapter 7: Panel Fields

The third step in developing your Dialog System application is to position data fields on panels. This is the step where you specify where your data fields will appear on your panel for subsequent input or output. There is a limit of 512 data fields in a screenset, and 200 panel fields in any panel.

This chapter explains:

7.1 Defining Panel Fields (F3)

Pressing F3=field from the Panel Painting menu accesses the Panel Field menu, shown in Figure 7-1, and a popup panel containing the list of defined fields. Position the cursor where you would like your field to begin, and press F3. You can use this menu to modify the field characteristics of a selected field, and place, remove, modify, and relocate fields on the current panel.

Figure 7-1: Panel Field Menu

7.1.1 The Popup Panel

You can use the popup panel to view and change the relevant characteristics of the required fields. The left half of the panel lists the data fields, their format, and their length, which you specified during data definition (see the chapter Data Definition). To select a field to work on, position the selection bar on the required field and press Enter. The cursor moves to the right side of the panel.

The right half of the panel contains field detail panels that enable you to change the characteristics of that field on the panel. The field detail panels are:

If the format of the field is a date format, the Delimiter panel is displayed; otherwise, the Panel Length panel is displayed.

In the field detail panels, you can choose from the existing default values, or select a different characteristic. Use the <right-arrow>| and |<left-arrow> keys to move between the characteristics and press the space bar to select one. The characteristics selected are highlighted with > and < symbols.

To return a field characteristic to its default value after you change it, press the F2=reset function. This function is available from each of the field detail panels and also some of the Panel Field submenus.

When you have completed your selection, press Enter . Your field is placed at the cursor position on the panel as a series of caret characters. The following screen field characteristics are available:

Usage Specifies how a panel field is used at run time. You can select one of the following mutually exclusive options:
      IN Input field. This prefills the field with the current data field value and enables the entry of data at run time. This is the default type of usage.
      OUT Output field. This prefills the field with the current data field value and protects it from input at run time.
      EXIT Exit field. This is an input field that forces return to the calling program when the field is exited by any key defined in the dialog, provided that the field has not failed any validations.
      XMOD Exit modified field. This is an exit field that forces return to the calling program if the field contents have changed, provided that the field has not failed any validations.
      XREG Exit regardless field. This is an exit field that forces return to the calling program when the field is exited, regardless of whether the field has failed validation. However, the status of the validation is given in the control block.
      XENT Exit on entry. This exits to the calling program immediately when the field is entered. So, for example, if you skip from the previous field to this field, return to the calling program is forced before any values are entered.
Properties Enables you to define properties for the selected field to adopt at run time. These properties are not valid if the field is defined as an output field.
AUTO Autoskip. Forces the cursor to move automatically to the next field when the field is filled at run time. This is the default property.
REQD Required. Prevents the cursor from leaving the field if it is empty at run time, that is, if the field contains spaces in an alphabetic or alphanumeric field, or contains zero in a numeric field. For a date field, prevents the cursor from leaving the field if the day or the month are empty.

Although the cursor cannot leave the field, an error message is not produced at run time unless you have defined a data validation. Validations are defined at the data level (see the chapter Data Definition) and are applied whenever that data item is used, whereas the REQD property is applied only at local screen level.

FULL Prevents the cursor from leaving the field if an alphabetic or alphanumeric field has any leading or trailing spaces, or a numeric field has any leading zeros at run time. You cannot use this property for date fields.

Although the cursor cannot leave the field, an error message is not produced. The FULL property is applied at local screen level; to force a field to be full whenever this field is used, you must define validation rules for it at the data level.

UPPER Changes any lower-case characters in alphabetic or alphanumeric fields to upper case when they are entered.

NLS is supported, for the folding of alphabetic characters. This feature is optional, and is controlled by either setting NLS in the sidefile dsdef.cfg, or by linking dsnlsrtn.obj as well as the COBOL system file cobnlsmg.obj when creating the executable application.

LOWER Changes any upper-case characters in alphabetic or alphanumeric fields to lower case when they are entered.

NLS is supported, for the folding of alphabetic characters. This feature is optional, and is controlled by either setting NLS in the sidefile dsdef.cfg, or by linking dsnlsrtn.obj as well as the COBOL system file cobnlsmg.obj when creating the executable application.

NOECHO Prevents keystrokes entered from being displayed on the screen at run time. Any characters entered cannot be captured by any facilities that look at the screen buffer, such as a Print Screen key on the keyboard. This provides a secure way of entering passwords and related functions.

By default, a non-echoed field displays spaces when data is entered. You can configure Dialog System to use some other character; see the chapter Setting Up the Configuration File.

Format Specifies how the field is displayed at run time. The formats you can choose from depend on the format of the field defined during data definition (A, X, 9, or S). For example, if you defined a numeric field, you can choose zero suppression in the display, or if you defined a date field, you can choose from several date display formats. Again, the choice depends on the length of the date field in the data definition.

Formats are mutually exclusive and only formats that are valid for the selected field are displayed on the popup panel. Possible formats are:

ALPHABETIC All upper-case and lower-case alphabetic characters, plus the space character, can be entered.
ALPHANUMERIC All upper-case and lower-case alphabetic characters, the space character, and all the other ASCII keys, including the extended characters entered using the Alt key, can be entered.
NUMERIC All numeric characters and the decimal point can be entered.
SIGNED All numeric characters, the decimal point, and the "+" and "-" signs, for positive or negative values, can be entered.
SUPPRESS Provides zero suppression for input and output, and right justifies data entry and display. The last zero in the number is always displayed.
99/99 Places four-character dates in DD/MM, MM/DD, MM/YY, or YY/MM format.
99/999 Places five-character dates in YY/DDD format, where DDD is the day number from 1-365.
99/99/99 Places six-character dates in DD/MM/YY, YY/MM/DD, or MM/DD/YY format.
99/AAA/99 Places seven-character dates in DD/MON/YY format, where MON is a three-letter mnemonic for the month (see the chapter Data Definition for valid month mnemonics).
99/99/9999 Places eight-character dates in DD/MM/YYYY format.

If your applications need to work with the year 2000 and beyond, you should use this format. You might need to revise your existing screensets.

When the cursor enters the Format panel, the additional menu option F4=specify-user-format is displayed, which enables you to select a user-defined format rather than the fixed formats described previously. Pressing F4 displays a popup panel where you can enter a format number in the range 1 through 4, where the format number corresponds to one of up to 4 user-defined formats. If you select a user-defined format, you must write a program, named dsusrfmt.cbl, that handles the format, before you can use the resulting screenset. See the chapter Programming for more information about the dsusrfmt.cbl program.
Panel Length Enables you to choose a panel length for the field that is less than the true data field length. You cannot choose a length greater than the true data field length. You can use this characteristic to set a field up as a scrolling field.

When you enter the Panel Length panel, the additional menu option F4=horizontal-scrolling-on/off is displayed, which enables you define the field as a scrolling field. Specify the panel length for the display field, then press F4 to toggle the scrolling on. A scrolling field uses two extra character positions on the screen for indicators at either end of the field to show whether if scrolling is possible in either direction.

Delimiter Enables you to specify a date delimiter when the field is a date format. You can use any character, such as "/", "-" or ".", as a delimiter or separator. The default is "/".

7.1.2 The Panel Field Menu

The facilities provided in the Panel Field menu are described in the following sections. Select from List (Enter)

Enables you to select the field whose characteristics you wish to set. Use the <up-arrow> and <down-arrow> keys to position the selection bar on the required field and press Enter from the Panel Field menu. The cursor moves to the right-hand side of the popup panel, where you can specify usage, properties, format, and panel length or delimiter, as described in the previous section. Panel Functions (F3)

Pressing F3=panel-functions from the Panel Field menu returns control to the cursor in the panel and invokes the Panel Functions menu, shown in Figure 7-2. This menu enables you to use the facilities for storing field definitions when you copy or move existing fields. This option is also available from the Amend Field and Use Stacked Field menus, described later in this chapter.

Figure 7-2: Panel Functions Menu

The Cut To Stack and Copy To Stack options in this menu work in a similar way to the block manipulation facilities described in the chapter Panel Painting. If you use these options to place a field in a stack, you can restore that field to the screen using the F6=use-stacked-field function described later in this chapter.

When you select F3, the cursor moves from the popup panel to the panel screen. This can be useful if you wish to define field characteristics but you have not positioned the cursor where you require it in the panel screen before you accessed the popup panel. You can select F3 to return to the panel screen and reposition the cursor, then press Escape, which exits the Panel Functions menu and returns control to the popup panel. Cut to Stack (F4)

Pressing F4=cut-to-stack from the Panel Functions menu deletes the field at the cursor position and places it in the field stack. The status line indicates the number of fields in the stack. Copy to Stack (F5)

Pressing F5=copy-to-stack from the Panel Functions menu copies the field at the cursor position into the field stack, leaving the original field in its place on the panel. The status line then indicates the number of fields in the stack. Amend Field (F5)

Pressing F5=amend-field from the Panel Field menu displays the Amend Field menu, shown in Figure 7-3, which enables you to change the characteristics of an existing field. Position the cursor on the field you want to amend and press F5. The selection bar is positioned on the appropriate entry in the data list and the characteristics currently set for the field are displayed. You can change the usage, properties, format, and panel length or delimiter as described in the section The Popup Panel earlier in this chapter.

Figure 7-3: Amend Field Menu

To delete a field rather than amend it, you must use the F9=delete-field-defn option in the Panel Painting Ctrl menu (see the chapter Panel Painting). Reset (F2)

Pressing F2=reset from the Amend Field menu resets the field characteristics in the highlighted field details panel to their default values. Panel Functions (F3)

Pressing F3=panel-functions from the Amend Field menu invokes the Panel Functions menu described earlier in this chapter.

If you select F3=panel-functions from the Amend field menu to reposition the cursor before you finalize the field characteristics, a copy of the field is placed on the panel in the new position, and the original is left unchanged. You cannot position a field on top of an existing field or a group. Use Stacked Field (F6)

Pressing F6=use-stacked-field from the Panel Field menu places the details of the field currently on top of the stack onto the popup panel and displays the Use Stacked Field menu, shown in Figure 7-4. You can use this menu in the same way as the Amend Field menu to modify the characteristics of the field selected from the stack before you place it on the panel.

Figure 7-4: Use Stacked Field Menu Reset (F2)

Pressing F2=reset from the Use Stacked Field menu resets the field characteristics in the highlighted field details panel to their default values. Panel Functions (F3)

Pressing F3=panel-functions from the Use Stacked Field menu invokes the Panel Functions menu described earlier in this chapter. Sort List (F7)

Pressing F7=sort-list from the Panel Field menu sorts the field name list into alphabetical order, which might make it easier to locate the field you want. The groups in the data list remain together as a body, but the fields in each group are sorted alphabetically. Unsort List (F8)

Pressing F8=unsort-list from the Panel Field menu reverts the field name list back to the original order, that is, the order in which you defined the fields in data definition (see the chapter Data Definition for details). The fields will occur in this original order in the generated Data Block.

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