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Chapter 15: Compiling and Shipping OO Applications

This chapter helps you to prepare an Object COBOL OO application for delivery to an end-user.

15.1 Overview

The processes for compiling and shipping an OO application are very similar to those described for all COBOL applications elsewhere in your Object COBOL documentation set. This chapter documents the extra points you need to know about when working with OO applications, and cross-references the chapters in other Object COBOL documentation which explain compiling, linking and shipping in more detail.

The reason for the minor differences between compiling, linking and shipping OO and non-OO Object COBOL applications is that, if you use data inheritance, you cannot compile a subclass until you have compiled its superclass.

15.2 Compiling

All Object COBOL programs are compiled using the standard Micro Focus Compiler.

Do not set the ALIGN directive when compiling classes. This can cause unpredictable errors at run-time. All classes in the supplied Class Library are compiled with the default value of ALIGN(8).

15.2.1 Compiling Classes with Inherited Data

When you are compiling a class which inherits data from its superclass, you must compile the superclass first. Data is inherited through .cls and .ins files generated by the Compiler from the Object-Storage Sections in a class. These files must be available before you compile any subclass which inherits the data. See the section Data Inheritance in the chapter Class Programs for more information.

Note: If you change the Object-Storage definitions in a class, you must recompile any of its subclasses which inherit its data. Otherwise, run-time behavior is unpredictable.

15.3 Shipping

When shipping an application to other UNIX machines you need to purchase and install Application Server for each target UNIX machine.

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