Security Modes

Silk Meter Policy Administrator supports two different modes, an administrator and a user mode. If in user mode only limited access is provided to the Policy Administrator features.

As long as no access restrictions are defined, Policy Administrator opens in administrator mode, otherwise in user mode. Once grants for the SilkMeterAdminAccess policy have been set by the system administrator using the "Edit Grants" dialog, further switches to administrator mode are available only to granted users.

The policy is automatically installed during the setup process and cannot be deleted from Policy Administrator.

In user mode the following features are not available:

To switch to administrator mode:
  1. Access the Policy Administrator.

  2. Click Configuration/Switch Security Mode or use the appropriate button in the toolbar.

  3. The Switch Security Mode dialog appears.

  4. Provide the login user name and password (default: no user name and no password).

  5. Click OK.


To switch to user mode:
  1. Access the Policy Administrator.

  2. Click Configuration/Switch Security Mode or use the appropriate button in the toolbar.

  3. The Switch Security Mode dialog appears.

  4. Click OK button to confirm and switch to user mode or Cancel button to stay in administrator mode.


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