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Creating New Reports

To create a new report:

  1. In the menu, click Performance Manager > Reports.
  2. In the Reports tree, select the folder in which you want the new report to display. This determines where the report is stored in the directory tree.
  3. Click New Child Report on the toolbar. The Create New Report dialog box opens.
  4. Type the name of the new report. This is the name that is displayed in the Reports tree.
  5. Check the Share this report with other users check box if you want to make this report available to other users.
  6. Type a description for the report in the Description field.
  7. In the Timeout [s] field, type the maximum time period in seconds that Performance Manager should wait for SQL queries to complete.
  8. From the Default tab list, select the tab that you want to be directed to when you select this report from one of the context-sensitive report lists.
  9. Select the corresponding result type from the Result category list. This setting specifies the database table and view that is to be filtered for the report. Each result type offers a set of selection criteria. Based on the result type you have selected, specify an appropriate Selection criteria for your report. These criteria typically group properties based on a view or some other intuitive grouping, for example result properties.
  10. From the Property list, select the property that is to be filtered on. For some selection criteria, properties are dynamic.
  11. Select an Operator for the query. The available operators depend on the property. Example operators are =, not, like, and not like. Strings are always compared lowercase. Allowed wildcards for strings are "*" and "?", where * matches any characters and ? matches exactly one character.
  12. Select or specify the Value that the query is to be filtered on. For date-based properties, the Value field is replaced with a calendar tool that you can use to select a specific date.
  13. Optional: To add an additional query string to this report, click More. An existing query string can be deleted by clicking the string’s Delete button. When multiple query strings are defined, AND and OR option buttons are displayed next to More. Use these option buttons to define if the queries should be considered cumulatively, or if only one query string’s criteria needs to be met.
  14. Click Next to configure report columns on the New Report dialog box.
  15. Click Add Columns. The Add Columns dialog box lists all available report columns.
  16. Select the columns that you want to have included in the report and click OK. You can select multiple columns with Ctrl+Click. The selected columns display in tabular format on the New Report dialog box.
  17. Optional: Configure how each report column is to be displayed. For each column, specify a sort direction, ascending, descending, or unsorted, using the up/down arrows in the Sorting column.
  18. When multiple columns are selected for sorting, a list box is displayed in the Sort Order column that allows you to more easily edit the column-sort order. Set these numbers as required.
  19. Give each column an Alias. This is the name by which each column will be labeled in the generated report.
  20. With grouping, you can take advantage of SQL aggregation features, for example when selecting a number of elements or querying a total sum of values. Check the Group by check box to specify that SQL group by functions are to be applied.
  21. Columns that are not selected for SQL group by functions are set to aggregation by default, which means a single aggregate value is calculated. From the Aggregation list, select the appropriate aggregation type. The following types are available:
    • Count
    • Sum
    • Average
    • Minimum
    • Maximum
  22. The Actions column enables you to move column listings up and down in the view, or to delete a column.
  23. Click Finish to complete your new report.
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