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Transaction Conditions

Conditions define how monitor results are evaluated.
They specify the measurements that are relevant to testing. When specified transaction conditions are met at a certain frequency during testing (for example, when a specified limit is exceeded 25% of the time) an incident is raised. Conditions are the building blocks from which rules are built. Examples include, "if accuracy is < 100%" and "if availability is > 0%".
Note: Transactions don't necessarily require that conditions be associated with them.

The Conditions Page

The Conditions page (Performance Manager > Configuration > Conditions) includes a list of all currently configured conditions. It also includes high-level information about each condition, including:
  • The Condition column, which includes a system health measurement, an operator, and a threshold comparison value (for example, Accuracy < 100.0%).
  • The Locations column, which indicates the locations to which each condition applies.
  • The Transaction Scope column, which indicates to which transactions the conditions are applied.

For information about the Add Transaction Condition button, see Adding Transaction Conditions.

For information about deleting transaction conditions, see Deleting Transaction Conditions.

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