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Adding Exclusions

To add a schedule exclusion:
  1. On the Projects page (Performance Manager > Projects), click the project for which you want to add a schedule exclusion.
  2. On the Monitors tab (Performance Manager > Configuration > Monitors), click the clock button in the Schedule column that corresponds to the monitor for which you want to schedule an exclusion.
  3. On the Configure Schedule page, click Add Exclusion.
  4. In the Don't run on section of the Configure Schedule Exclusion page, select one or more days on which you want to schedule an exclusion.
  5. Select the time of day (hour, minute, second, AM/PM) when the exclusion is to begin from the From lists.
  6. Select the time of day (hour, minute, second, AM/PM) when the exclusion is to end from the To lists.
  7. Click OK to save the exclusion. Alternatively, click Clear to clear your selections or Cancel to return to the Configure Schedule page.
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