B.1 Linux Agent Commands and Lookups

The items in this section contain useful Linux commands and lookups pertaining to the Universal Policy Administrator Linux Agent.

Start the Linux Agent Service

If the Linux Agent Service is not running, use one of the following commands, applicable to your platform, to start the service:

  • systemctl start adb-agent.service

  • service adb-agent start

Verify the Linux Agent Service is running

If you want to verify that the Linux Agent Service is running, use one of the following commands, applicable to your platform, to check the status:

  • systemctl status adb-agent.service

  • service adb-agent status

Check for the Linux Agent version

If you need to know what version of the Linux Agent is installed on a given Linux device, access /opt/adb-agent and type a tail command for the version file to show the agent version.

For example:

  1. cd /opt/adb-agent

  2. tail version

View the Universal Policy Update Schedule

Installed Linux Agents are configured by default to run a pull from Active Directory every 60 minutes to check for any changes to Universal Policies. This configuration is set in the appsettings.json file at /opt/adb-agent on the Linux Agent using the “PullIntervalInMins” element.

While this configuration can be changed, modifying this file is not recommended and may involve some risk.