2.4 Installing the Universal Policy Administrator Cloud Gateway, On Premises

Ensure the following prerequisites are met before you install the Universal Policy Administrator Cloud Gateway, on premises:

  • Microsoft SQL Server installed and running SQL Server 2016 or later.

  • Microsoft Hyper-V running Docker for Desktop on a hardware system and not VM.

  • Linux system or VM running Docker.

To set up the Universal Policy Administrator Cloud Gateway, On Premises:

  1. Create a Database on the SQL server with default settings.

  2. Create a database connection string.

  3. Deploy the Cloud Gateway on Docker Desktop:

    1. Create an ENV file with your database connection strings and the domain with SSL certificate where:

      DATABASE_CONNECTION=Your Databse Connection String

      WILDCARD_DOMAIN=Your Domain with SSL Certificate

    2. Login to Docker with Your Registry Name and run:

      docker run --name Your Cloud Gateway Container Name --Your ENV file Name -p 8080:80 -d Your Registry Name/gatekeeper: Your Build Name

  4. Deploy the Traversal Server on a Linux Docker System:

    1. Create an ENV file with your database connection strings and the domain with SSL certificate where:

      DATABASE_CONNECTION=Your Databse Connection String

      WILDCARD_DOMAIN=Your Domain with SSL Certificate

    2. Login to Docker with Your Registry Name and run:

      docker run --name Your Traversal Gateway Container Name --Your ENV file Name -p 8081:80 -d cert:/mnt/cert -d /traversal: Your Build Name

  5. Deploy the NGINX Server on a Linux Docker System:

    1. Create an ENV file with your database connection strings and the domain with SSL certificate where:

      DATABASE_CONNECTION=Your Databse Connection String

      WILDCARD_DOMAIN=Your Domain with SSL Certificate

      TRAVERSAL_URL=http://address or IP of Traversal Host Server:8081

      GATEKEEPER_URL=http://address or IP of Gatekeeper Host Server:8080

      PFX_PASSWORD=Your Certificate Password

    2. Copy your PFX to a local folder on the Linux host

    3. Run the container:

      docker run --name Your NGINX Gateway Container Name --Your ENV file Name -p 443:443 -v Your local PFX folder/cert:/mnt/cert -d Your Registry Name/nginx:Your Build Name

      NOTE:Your certificate must be named certificate.pfx.