VisiBroker properties

This section describes the Borland VisiBroker properties.

JAVA RMI over IIOP properties

JAVA RMI over IIOP properties

Property Default Description
vbroker.rmi.supportRTSC false This property enables or disables the exchange of SendingContextRuntime service contexts between clients and servers when the two are using different (evolved) versions of a class. If the client and server are on different versions of a JDK, the application should make sure that this property is set to true. This value should also be used for cases where VBJ is talking to a foreign ORB. This ensures that the codebase data is exchanged and marshaling/demarshaling of evolved classes can succeed without exceptions.
javax.rmi.CORBA.StubClass com.inprise.vbroker.rmi.CORBA.StubImpl Specifies the name of the implementation of the Stub base class from which all RMI-IIOP stubs must inherit.
javax.rmi.CORBA.UtilClass com.inprise.vbroker.rmi.CORBA.UtilImpl Specifies the name of the implementation of the Utility class that provides methods that can be used by stubs and ties to perform common operations.
javax.rmi.CORBA.PortableRemoteObjectClass com.inprise.vbroker.rmi.CORBA.PortableRemoteObjectImpl Specifies that the RMI-IIOP server implementation objects may inherit from javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject or simply implement an RMI-IIOP remote interface and then use the exportObject method to register themselves as a server object.
java.rmi.server.codebase <not set> Specifies where a server can locate unknown classes. Acceptable value is semicolon (;)-separated URLs.
java.rmi.server.useCodebaseOnly false Specifies if a server is allowed to locate unknown classes, If set to true, does not allow the server to locate remote classes even if the client sends the location of the remote classes to the server.

Smart Agent properties

Smart Agent properties

Property Default Old property Description
vbroker.agent.addrFile null ORBagentAddrFile Specifies a file that stores the IP address or host name of a host running a Smart Agent.
vbroker.agent.localFile null N/A Specifies which network interface to use on multi-home machines. This used to be the OSAGENT_LOCAL_FILE environment variable.
vbroker.agent.clientHandlerPort null N/A Specifies the port that the Smart Agent uses to verify the existence of a client&mdash in this case, a VisiBroker application. When you use the default value, null, the Smart Agent connects using a random port number
vbroker.agent.keepAliveTimer 120 seconds N/A Smart agent will wake up after this timeout and based on the vbroker.agent.keepAliveThreshold value, will compute whether to do client verification. The logic is if the last received heart beat value is less than current time - (keepAliveTimer + keepAliveThreshold), then do client verification. The value of this property should be greater than 1 second and less than 120 seconds. The number of times the client verification is tried can be controlled by vbroker.agent.maxRetries property.
vbroker.agent.keepAliveThreshold 40 seconds N/A Refer to documentation on vbroker.agent.keepAliveTimer. This value should be greater than 0.
vbroker.agent.maxRetries 4 times N/A The number of times the agent will do client verification on not receiving a heart beat from the client. Values can be 1 to 10.
vbroker.agent.port 14000 ORBagentPort Specifies the port number that defines a domain within your network. VisiBroker applications and the Smart Agent work together when they have the same port number. This is the same property as the OSAGENT_PORT environment variable.

Smart Agent Communication properties

The properties described in the table below are used by the ORB for Smart Agent communication.

Smart Agent Communication properties

Property Default Old property Description
vbroker.agent.keepAliveTimer 120 N/A The duration in seconds during which the ORB will send keep-alive messages to the Smart Agent (applicable to both clients and servers). Valid values are integers between 1 and 120, inclusive.
vbroker.agent.retryDelay 0 (zero) N/A The duration in seconds that the process will pause before trying to reconnect to the Smart Agent in the event of disconnection from the Smart Agent. If the value is -1, the process will exit upon disconnection from the Smart Agent. The default value of 0 (zero) means that reconnection will be made without any pause.
vbroker.agent.addr null ORBagentAddr Specifies the IP address or host name of a host running a Smart Agent. The default value, null, instructs VisiBroker applications to use the value from the OSAGENT_ADDR environment variable. If this OSAGENT_ADDR variable is not set, then it is assumed that the Smart Agent is running on a local host.
vbroker.agent.addrFile null ORBagentAddrFile Specifies a file that stores the IP address or host name of a host running a Smart Agent.
vbroker.agent.debug false ORBdebug When set to true, specifies that the system will display debugging information about communication of VisiBroker applications with the Smart Agent.
vbroker.agent.enableCache true ORBagentCache When set to true, allows VisiBroker applications to cache IOR.
vbroker.agent.enableLocator true ORBdisableLocator When set to false, does not allow VisiBroker applications to communicate with the Smart Agent.
vbroker.agent.port 14000 ORBagentPort Specifies the port number that defines a domain within your network. VisiBroker applications and the Smart Agent work together when they have the same port number. This is the same property as the OSAGENT_PORT environment variable.
vbroker.agent.failOver true ORBagentNoFailOver When set to true, allows a VisiBroker application to fail over to another Smart Agent.
vborker.agent.clientPort 0 (zero) N/A Lower bound of the range of ports for the ORB to communicate with the OSAgent. Valid values are between 0 to 65535. Default value of 0 (zero) means that a random port will be selected.
vbroker.agent.clientPortRange 0 (zero) N/A Range of ports within interval [clientPort, clientPort+clientPortRange] for the ORB to communicate with the OSAgent. This property is effective only when clientPort is greater than 0 (zero). Valid values are between 0 and 65535.

VisiBroker ORB properties

The following table describes the VisiBroker ORB properties.

VisiBroker ORB properties

Property Default Description
vbroker.orb.propOrdering CMD_PROPS:SYS_PROPS:FILE_PROPS:ORB_PROPS:DEF_PROPS This property allows the user to override the default precedence of properties set by the ORB's Property Manager. The default precedence from highest to lowest is:
  1. CMD_PROPS: command-line arguments (specified through the first argument of orb.init() call.
  2. SYS_PROPS: system or JVM properties, including properties specified through -VBJprop, -J, and so forth.
  3. FILE_PROPS: properties in the file specified by ORBpropStorage property.
  4. ORB_PROPS: properties set through the second argument of the orb.init() call.
  5. DEF_PROPS: default ORB properties.
vbroker.orb.rebindForward 0 (zero) This value determines the number of times a client will try to connect to a forwarded target. You can use this property when the client cannot communicate with the forwarded target (because of network failure, for example). The default value of 0 (zero) means that the client will keep trying to connect.
vbroker.orb.activationIOR null Allows the launched server to easily establish contact with the OAD that launched it.
vbroker.orb.admDir null Specifies the administration directory at which various system files are located. This property can be set using the VBROKER_ADM environment variable.
vbroker.orb.enableKeyId false When set to true, this property enables the use of key IDs in client requests.
vbroker.orb.enableServerManager FALSE When set to TRUE, this property enables Server Manager when the server is started, so that clients can access it.
vbroker.orb.keyIdCacheMax 16384 Specifies maximum size of the object key ID cache in a server.
vbroker.orb.keyIdCacheMin 64 Specifies minimum size of the object key ID cache in a server.
vbroker.orb.initRef null Specifies the initial reference.
vbroker.orb.defaultInitRef null Specifies the default initial reference.
vbroker.orb.alwaysProxy false When set to true, specifies that clients must always connect to the server using the GateKeeper.
vbroker.orb.gatekeeper.ior null Forces the client application to connect to the server through the GateKeeper whose IOR is provided.
vbroker.locator.ior null Specifies the IOR of the GateKeeper that will be used as proxy to the Smart Agent. If this property is not set, the GateKeeper specified by the vbroker.orb.gatekeeper.ior property is used for this purpose. For more information, go to the VisiBroker GateKeeper Guide.
vbroker.orb.exportFirewallPath false Forces the server application to include firewall information as part of any servant's IOR which this server exposes (use Firewall::FirewallPolicy in your code to force it selectively per POA).
vbroker.orb.proxyPassthru false If set to true, forces PASSTHROUGH firewall mode globally in the application scope (use QoSExt::ProxyModePolicy in your code to force it selectively per object or per ORB).
vbroker.orb.bids.critical inprocess The critical bid has highest precedence no matter where it is specified in the bid order. If there are multiple values for critical bids, then their relative importance is decided by the bidOrder property.
vbroker.orb.alwaysSecure false When set to true, specifies that clients must always make secure connections to the server.
vbroker.orb.alwaysTunnel false When set to true, specifies that clients always make http tunnel (IIOP wrapper) connections to the server.
vbroker.orb.autoLocateStubs false Turns on the ability to locate stubs when reading object references. This is done using read_Object, based on the object's repository id instead of either the generic object or the stubs for passed formal class argument.
vbroker.orb.bidOrder inprocess:liop:ssl:iiop:proxy:hiop:locator You can specify the relative order of importance for the various transports. Transports are given precedence as follows:
  1. inprocess
  2. liop
  3. ssl
  4. iiop
  5. proxy
  6. hiop
  7. locator

The transports that appear first have higher precedence. For example, if an IOR contains both LIOP and IIOP profiles, the first chance goes to LIOP. Only if the LIOP fails is IIOP used. (The critical bid, specified by the vbroker.orb.bids.critical property, has highest precedence no matter where it is specified in the bid order.) n/a This property is used to prevent specified bidders from placing bids. For example, setting it to inprocess will disable inprocess bidding. This can be useful in cases when optimized colocated invocations are not required. Currently only inprocess bidders can be barred.
vbroker.orb.defAddrMode 0 (Key) The default addressing mode that client VisiBroker ORB uses. If it is set to 0, the addressing mode is Key, if set to 1, the addressing mode is Profile, if set to 2, the addressing mode is IOR.
vbroker.orb.bufferCacheTimeout 6000 Specifies the time in which a message chunk has been cached before it is discarded.
vbroker.orb.bufferDebug false When set to true, this property allows the internal buffer manager to display debugging information.
vbroker.orb.corbaloc.resolveHosts false When this property is set to true the ORB will try to resolve the hostnames specified in the corbaloc URL. When false no address resolution will take place.
vbroker.orb.debug false When set to true, allows the ORB to display debugging information.

Note: This property is deprecated. Refer to Debug logger properties.

vbroker.orb.dynamicLibs null Specifies a list of available services used by the VisiBroker ORB. Each service is separated by a comma.
vbroker.orb.embedCodeset true When an IOR is created, the VisiBroker ORB embeds the codeset components into the IOR. This may produce problems with some non-compliant ORBs. By turning off the embedCodeset property, you instruct the Visibroker ORB not to embed codesets in IORs. When set to false, specifies that character and wide character conversions between the client and the server are not to be negotiated.
vbroker.orb.enableVB4backcompat false This property enables work-arounds to deal with behavior that is not GIOP 1.2-compliant in VisiBroker 4.0 and 4.1. Any VisiBroker client running on VisiBroker 4.1.1 or a release previous to 4.1.1 is affected, especially if GateKeeper is involved. To work with a Visibroker 4.0 or 4.1 client, this flag needs to be set to true. This is a server-side only flag. There is no corresponding flag on the client-side.
vbroker.orb.enableBiDir none You can selectively make bidirectional connections. If the client defines vbroker.orb.enableBiDir=client and the server defines vbroker.orb.enableBiDir=server the value of vbroker.orb.enableBiDir at the GateKeeper determines the state of the connection. Values of this property are: server, client, both or none. For more information, go to the GateKeeper Guide, Callback with GateKeeper's bidirectional support section.
vbroker.orb.enableNullString false If set to TRUE, enables marshaling of null strings.
vbroker.orb.fragmentSize 0 (zero) Specifies the GIOP message fragment size. It must be a multiple of GIOP message chunk size. Assigning a 0 (zero) to this property will eventually turn off fragmentation.
vbroker.orb.streamChunkSize 4096 Specifies the GIOP message chunk size. It must be a power of 2.
vbroker.orb.gcTimeout 30 Specifies the time in seconds that must pass before important resources that are not used are cleared.
vbroker.orb.logger.appName VBJ-Application Specifies the application name that appears in the log.

Note: This property is deprecated. Refer to Debug logger properties

vbroker.orb.logger.catalog com.inprise.vbroker.Logging.ORBMsgs Specifies the message catalog of messages used by the ORB when logging is enabled.

Note: This property is deprecated. Refer to Debug logger properties

vbroker.orb.logger.output stdout Specifies the output of the logger. It can be the standard output or a file name.

Note: This property is deprecated. Refer to Debug logger properties

vbroker.orb.logLevel emerg Specifies the logging level of message that will be logged. The default value, emerg, means that the system logs messages when the system is unusable, or in a panic condition. Acceptable values are:
  • emerg (0): indicates some panic condition.
  • alert (1): a condition that requires user attention--for example, if security has been disabled.
  • crit (2): critical conditions, such as a device error.
  • err (3): error conditions.
  • warning (4): warning conditions--these may accompany some troubleshooting advice.
  • notice (5): conditions that are not errors but may require some attention, such as upon the opening of a connection.
  • info (6): informational, such as binding in progress.
  • debug (7): debug conditions understood by developers.

Note: This property is deprecated. Refer to Debug logger properties

vbroker.orb.sendLocate false This property takes one of the following values: true, false, onbind, or always. When set to true, it forces the system to send a locate request before making invocations on an IIOP 1.2 target. When set to onbind, causes a locate request message to be sent when a connection is opened for the purpose of gauging if the peer is GIOP aware. The value always instructs the ORB to perform both tasks-sending the locate request before invocations and upon opening the connection.
vbroker.orb.shutdownTimeout 0 (zero) Allows an application to set a timeout for the ORB.shudown operation in seconds. This property is useful in cases when ORB.shutdown does not finish for a long time. The process will get terminated if the shutdown does not finish and the timeout expires. The default value of 0 (zero) means that process will never get terminated.
vbroker.orb.systemLibs.applet com.inprise.vbroker.IIOP.Init, com.inprise.vbroker.LIOP.Init, com.inprise.vbroker.qos.Init, com.inprise.vbroker.URLNaming.Init, com.inprise.vbroker.HIOP.Init, com.inprise.vbroker.firewall.Init, com.inprise.vbroker.dynamic.Init, com.inprise.vbroker.naming.Init, com.inprise.vbroker.IOP.Init, com.inprise.vbroker.CONV_FRAME.Init, com.inprise.vbroker.rmi.CORBA.Init, com.inprise.vbroker.PortableInterceptor.Init, com.borland.vbroker.notify.Init, com.borland.vbroker.CosTime.Init Provides a list of system libraries loaded in applet.
vbroker.orb.systemLibs.application com.inprise.vbroker.IIOP.Init, com.inprise.vbroker.LIOP.Init, com.inprise.vbroker.qos.Init, com.inprise.vbroker.ds.Init, com.inprise.vbroker.URLNaming.Init, com.inprise.vbroker.dynamic.Init,, com.inprise.vbroker.naming.Init, com.inprise.vbroker.ServerManager.Init, com.inprise.vbroker.IOP.Init, com.inprise.vbroker.CONV_FRAME.Init, com.inprise.vbroker.rmi.CORBA.Init, com.inprise.vbroker.PortableInterceptor.Init, com.borland.vbroker.notify.Init, com.borlvbroker.CosTime.Init Provides a list of system libraries loaded in application.
vbroker.orb.tcIndirection true Specifies that indirection be turned off when writing the typecodes. May be necessary when inter operating with ORBs from other vendors. When set to false, it is not possible to marshal recursive typecodes.
vbroker.orb.warn 0 Specifies a value of 0, 1, or 2 which indicates the level of warning messages to be printed.

Note: This property is deprecated. Refer to Debug logger properties.

vbroker.orb.procId 0 Specifies the process ID of the server.

POA properties

POA properties

Property Default Description
vbroker.poa.manager.threadMin 0 Controls the minimum number of threads in the auxiliary thread pool used in POA (e.g. for etherealization of objects)
vbroker.poa.manager.threadMax 0 Controls the maximum number of threads in the auxiliary thread pool used in POA
vbroker.poa.manager.threadMaxIdle 300 seconds Controls the idle timeout for threads in the auxiliary thread pool used in POA
vbroker.poa.logLevel emerg Specifies the logging level of messages to be logged. The default value, emerg, means that messages are logged when the system is unusable or during a panic condition. Acceptable values are:
  • emerg (0): indicates some panic condition.
  • alert (1): a condition that requires user attention--for example, if security has been disabled.
  • crit (2): critical conditions, such as a device error.
  • err (3): error conditions.
  • warning (4): warning conditions--these may accompany some troubleshooting advice.
  • notice (5): conditions that are not errors but may require some attention, such as upon the opening of a connection.
  • info (6): informational, such as binding in progress.
  • debug (7): debug conditions understood by developers.

Note: This property is deprecated. Refer to Debug logger properties.

ServerManager properties

This table lists the Server Manager properties.

ServerManager properties

Property Default Description null Specifies the name of the Server Manager.
vbroker.serverManager.enableOperations true When set to true, enables operations, exposed by the Server Manager, to be invoked.
vbroker.serverManager.enableSetProperty true When set to true, enables properties, exposed by the Server Manager, to be changed.

Additional Properties

The following section describes the new properties supported by the Server Manager. These properties can be queried through their containers.

Properties related to Server-side resource usage

Property Description<SE_name>.scm.<SCM_name>.manager.inUseConnections The number of incoming connections for which there are requests executing in the ORB.<SE_name>.scm.<SCM_name>.manager.idleConnections The number of incoming connections for which there are not any requests currently being executed in the ORB.<SE_name>.scm.<SCM_name>.manager.idledTimeoutConnections The number of idle connections which have also idled past their idle timeout setting but have yet to be closed (due to garbage collection restrictions, for example).<SE_name>.scm.<SCM_name>.dispatcher.inUseThreads The number of threads currently executing requests within the dispatcher.<SE_name>.scm.<SCM_name>.dispatcher.idleThreads The number of threads which are currently idle waiting for work to be assigned.

Properties related to Client-side resource usage

Property Description
vbroker.ce.<CE_name>.ccm.activeConnections The number of connections in the active pool; that is, object references are using these connections.
vbroker.ce.<CE_name>.ccm.cachedConnections The number of connections in the cache pool; no object references are using these connections.
vbroker.ce.<CE_name>.ccm.inUseConnections The number of outgoing connections with pending requests.
vbroker.ce.<CE_name>.ccm.idleConnections The number of outgoing connections with no pending requests.
vbroker.ce.<CE_name>.ccm.idledTimeoutConnections The number of idle connections which have idled past their timeout setting, but have not been closed.

Properties related to the Smart Agent

Property Description
vbroker.agent.currentAgentIP The IP address of the current ORB's Smart Agent (Smart Agent).
vbroker.agent.currentAgentClientPort The port of the Smart Agent to which the ORB is sending requests.

Location Service properties

The following table lists the Location Service properties.

Property Default Description
vbroker.locationservice.debug false When set to true, allows the Location Service to display debugging information.

Note: This property has been deprecated. Refer to the new Debug Logger Properties.

vbroker.locationservice.verify false When set to true, allows the Location Service to check for the existence of an object referred by an object reference sent from the Smart Agent. Only objects registered BY_INSTANCE are verified for existence. Objects that are either registered with OAD, or those registered BY_POA policy are not verified for existence.
vbroker.locationservice.timeout 1 Specifies the connect/receive/send timeout, in seconds, when trying to interact with the Location Service.

Event Service properties

The following table lists the Event Service properties.

Property Default Description 100 Specifies the number of messages to be queued for slow consumers. false When set to true, allows the event channel factory to be instantiated, instead of an event channel. false When set to true, allows output of debugging information.

Note: This property is deprecated. Refer to the new Debug logger properties. false When set to true, allows the event channel to be executed in a console-driven, interactive mode.

Naming Service (VisiNaming) properties

The following tables list the VisiNaming Service properties.

Core VisiNaming Service properties

Property Default Description
vbroker.naming.adminPwd inprise Password required by administrative VisiBroker naming service operations.
vbroker.naming.enableSlave 0 If 1, enables master/slave naming services configuration. See the Failover section for information about configuring master/slave naming services.
vbroker.naming.factoryIorFile N/A When this property is specified with a value specifying a file name, the Naming Service will store the IOR of context factory in that file. The IOR file can then be used by nsutil utility to shutdown the Naming Service remotely.
vbroker.naming.iorFile ns.ior This property specifies the full path name for storing the naming service IOR. If you do not set this property, the naming service will try to output its IOR into a file named ns.ior in the current directory. The naming service silently ignores file access permission exceptions when it tries to output its IOR.
vbroker.naming.logLevel emerg This property specifies the level of log messages to be output from the naming service. Acceptable values are:
  • emerg (0): indicates some panic condition.
  • alert (1): a condition that requires user attention--for example, if security has been disabled.
  • crit (2): critical conditions, such as a device error.
  • err (3): error conditions.
  • warning (4): warning conditions--these may include some troubleshooting advice.
  • notice (5): conditions that are not errors but may require some attention, such as the opening of a connection.
  • info (6): informational, such as binding in progress.
  • debug (7): debug messages for developers.

Note: This property is deprecated. Refer to the new Debug logger properties.

vbroker.naming.logUpdate false This property allows special logging for all of the update operations on the CosNaming::NamingContext, CosNamingExt::Cluster, and CosNamingExt::ClusterManager interfaces.

The CosNaming::NamingContext interface operations for which this property is effective are:
bind, bind_context, bind_new_context, destroy, rebind, rebind_context, unbind.

The CosNamingExt::Cluster interface operations for which this property is effective are:
bind, rebind, unbind, destroy.

The CosNamingExt::ClusterManager interface operation for which this property is effective is:

When this property value is set to true and any of the above methods is invoked, the following log message is printed (the output shows a bind operation being executed):
00000007,5/26/04 10:11 AM,,00000000,
VBJ-Application,VBJ ThreadPool Worker,INFO,

CLIENT END POINT : Connection[socket=Socket
[addr=/, port=2026, localport=1993]]
PARAMETER 0 : [(Tom.LoanAccount)]
PARAMETER 1 : Stub[repository_id=IDL:Bank/
LoanAccount:1.0, key=TransientId[poaName=/,
id={4 bytes: (0)(0)(0)(0)},sec=505,usec=990917734, 

Object Clustering Related Properties

For more information see the Object Clusters section.

Object Clustering Related properties

Property Default Description
vbroker.naming.enableClusterFailover true When set to true, it specifies that an interceptor be installed to handle fail-over for objects that were retrieved from the VisiNaming Service. In case of an object failure, an attempt is made to transparently reconnect to another object from the same cluster as the original.
vbroker.naming.propBindOn 0 If 1, the implicit clustering feature is turned on.
vbroker.naming.smrr.pruneStaleRef 1 This property is relevant when the name service cluster uses the Smart Round Robin criterion. When this property is set to 1, a stale object reference that was previously bound to a cluster with the Smart Round Robin criterion will be removed from the bindings when the name service discovers it. If this property is set to 0, stale object reference bindings under the cluster are not eliminated. However, a cluster with Smart Round Robin criterion will always return an active object reference upon a resolve() or select() call if such an object binding exists, regardless of the value of the vbroker.naming.smrr.pruneStaleRef property. By default, the implicit clustering in the name service uses the Smart Round Robin criterion with the property value set to 1. If set to 2, this property disables the clearing of stale references completely, and the responsibility of cleaning up the bindings belongs to the application, rather than to VisiNaming.

VisiNaming Service Cluster Related properties

For more information see the VisiNaming Service Clusters section.

VisiNaming Service Cluster Related properties

Property Default Description
vbroker.naming.enableSlave 0 See the Core VisiNaming Service properties section.
vbroker.naming.slaveMode No default. Can be set to cluster or slave. This property is used to configure VisiNaming Service instances in the cluster mode or in the master/slave mode. The vbroker.naming.enableSlave property must be set to 1 for this property to take effect.
Set this property to cluster to configure VisiNaming Service instances in the cluster mode. VisiNaming Service clients will then be load balanced among the VisiNaming Service instances that comprise the cluster. Client failover across these instances are enabled.
Set this property to slave to configure VisiNaming Service instances in the master/slave mode. VisiNaming Service clients will always be bound to the master server if the master is running but failover to the slave server when the master server is down.
vbroker.naming.serverClusterName null This property specifies the name of a VisiNaming Service cluster. Multiple VisiNaming Service instances belong to a particular cluster (for example, clusterXYZ) when they are configured with the cluster name using this property.
vbroker.naming.serverNames null This property specifies the factory names of the VisiNaming Service instances that belong to a cluster. Each VisiNaming Service instance within the cluster should be configured using this property to be aware of all the instances that constitute the cluster. Each name in the list must be unique. This property supports the format:
See the related property, vbroker.naming.serverAddresses.
vbroker.naming.serverAddresses null This property specifies the host and listening port for the VisiNaming Service instances that comprise a VisiNaming Service cluster. The order of VisiNaming Service instances in this list must be identical to that of the related property vbroker.naming.serverNames, which specifies the names of the VisiNaming Service instances that comprise a VisiNaming Service Cluster. This property supports the format:
vbroker.naming.anyServiceOrder (To be set on VisiNaming Service clients) false This property must be set to true on the VisiNaming Service client to utilize the load balancing and failover features available when VisiNaming Service instances are configured in the VisiNaming Service cluster mode. The following is an example of how to use this property:
client -DVbroker.naming.anyServiceOrder=true

Pluggable Backing Store Properties

The following tables show property information for the VisiNaming service pluggable backing store types.

Default properties common to all adapters

Property Default Description
vbroker.naming.backingStoreType InMemory Specifies the naming service adapter type to use. This property specifies which type of backing store you want the VisiNaming Service to use. The valid options are: InMemory, JDBC, Dx, JNDI. The default is InMemory.
vbroker.naming.cacheOn 0 Specifies whether to use the Naming Service cache. A value of 1 (one) enables caching.
vbroker.naming.cache.connectString N/A This property is required when the Naming Service cache is enabled (vbroker.naming.cacheOn=1) and the Naming Service instances are configured in Cluster or Master/Slave mode. It helps locate an Event Service instance in the format <hostname>:<port>. For example:
See Caching facility for details about enabling the caching facility and setting the appropriate properties.
vbroker.naming.cache.size 2000 This property specifies the size of the Naming Service cache. Higher values will mean caching of more data at the cost of increased memory consumption.
vbroker.naming.cache.timeout 0 (no limit) This property specifies the time, in seconds, since the last time a piece of data was accessed, after which the data in the cache will be purged in order to free memory. The cached entries are deleted in LRU (Least Recently Used) order.

JDBC Adapter properties

This table lists the JDBC Adapter properties.

JDBC Adapter properties

Property Default Description
vbroker.naming.jdbcDriver com.borland.datastore.jdbc.DataStoreDriver This property specifies the JDBC driver that is needed to access the database used as your backing store. The VisiNaming Service loads the appropriate JDBC driver specified. Valid values are:
  • com.borland.datastore.jdbc.DataStoreDriver—JDataStore driver
  • com.sybase.jdbc.SybDriver—Sybase driver
  • oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver—Oracle driver
  • interbase.interclient.Driver—Interbase driver
  • weblogic.jdbc.mssqlserver4.Driver—WebLogic MS SQLServer Driver
  •—IBM DB2 Driver
vbroker.naming.resolveAutoCommit True Sets Auto Commit on the JDBC connection when doing a "resolve" operation.
vbroker.naming.loginName VisiNaming The login name associated with the database.
vbroker.naming.loginPwd VisiNaming The login password associated with the database.
vbroker.naming.poolSize 5 This property specifies the number of database connections in your connection pool when using the JDBC Adapter as your backing store.
vbroker.naming.url jdbc:borland:dslocal:rootDB.jds This property specifies the location of the database which you want the Naming Service to access. The setting is dependent upon the database in use. Acceptable values are:
  • jdbc:borland:dslocal:<db-name>—JDataStore UTL
  • jdbc:sybase:Tds:<host-name>:<port-number>/<db-name>—Sybase URL
  • jdbc:oracle:thin@<host-name>:<port-number>:<sid>—Oracle URL
  • jdbc:interbase://<server-name>/<full-db-path>—Interbase URL
  • jdbc:weblogic:mssqlserver4:<db-name>@<host-name>:<port-number>—WebLogic MS SQLSever URL
  • jdbc:db2:<db-name>—IBM DB2 URL
  • <full-path-JDataStore-db>—DataExpress URL for the native driver
vbroker.naming.minReconInterval 30 This property sets the Naming Service's database reconnection interval time, in seconds. The default value is 30. The Naming Service will ignore the reconnection request and throw a CannotProceed exception if the time interval between this request and the last reconnection time is less than the vset value. Valid values for this property are non-negative integers. If set to 0, the Naming Service will try to reconnect to the database for every request.

DataExpress Adapter properties

The following table describes the DataExpress Adapter properties:

DataExpress Adapter properties

Property Description
vbroker.naming.backingStoreType This property should be set to Dx.
vbroker.naming.loginName This property is the login name associated with the database. The default is VisiNaming.
vbroker.naming.loginPwd This property is the login password associated with the database. The default value is VisiNaming.
vbroker.naming.url This property specifies the location of the database.

JNDI adapter properties

The following is an example of settings that can appear in the configuration file for a JNDI adapter:

JNDI adapter properties

Setting Description
vbroker.naming.backingStoreType=JNDI This setting specifies the backing store type which is JNDI for the JNDI adapter.
vbroker.naming.loginName=<user_name> The user login name on the JNDI backing server.
vbroker.naming.loginPwd=<password> The password for the JNDI backing server user.
vbroker.naming.jndiInitialFactory=com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory This setting specifies the JNDI initial factory.
vbroker.naming.jndiProviderURL=ldap://<hostname>:389/<initial root context> This setting specifies the JNDI provider URL
vbroker.naming.jndiAuthentication=simple This setting specifies the JNDI authentication type supported by the JNDI backing server.

VisiNaming Service Security-related properties

Property Value Default Description boolean true This property indicates whether the security service is disabled. string "" This property indicates the authorization domain name to be used for the naming service method access authorization. int 3 This property indicates what transport the Naming Service will use. The available values are:
ServerQoPPolicy.ALL=3 boolean false This property indicates whether naming client authentication is required. However, when the property is set to true, no client authentication will be performed regardless of the value of this requireAuthentication property. boolean false This property indicates whether method access authorization is enabled. string null This property points to the file containing the required roles that are necessary for invocation of each method in the protected object types. For more information see the Method Level Authorization section.

OAD properties

This following table lists the configurable OAD properties.

Property Default Description
vbroker.oad.spawnTimeOut 20 After the OAD spawns an executable, specifies how long, in seconds, the system will wait to receive a callback from the desired object before throwing a NO_RESPONSE exception.
vbroker.oad.verbose false Allows the OAD to print detailed information about its operations.
vbroker.oad.readOnly false When set to true, does not allow you to register, unregister, or change the OAD implementation.
vbroker.oad.iorFile Oadj.ior Specifies the filename for the OAD's stringified IOR.
vbroker.oad.quoteSpaces false Specifies whether to quote a command.
vbroker.oad.killOnUnregister false Specifies whether to kill spawned server processes, once they are unregistered.
vbroker.oad.verifyRegistration false Specifies whether to verify the object registration.

This table list the OAD properties that cannot be overridden in a property file. They can however be overridden with environment variables or from the command line.

Property Default Description
vbroker.oad.implName impl_rep Specifies the filename for the implementation repository.
vbroker.oad.implPath null Specifies the directory where the implementation repository is stored.
vbroker.oad.path null Specifies the directory for the OAD.
vbroker.oad.systemRoot null Specifies the root directory.
vbroker.oad.windir null Specifies the Windows directory.
vbroker.oad.vbj vbj Specifies the VisiBroker for Java directory.

Interface Repository properties

The following table lists the Interface Repository (IR) properties.

Property Default Description false When set to true, allows the IR resolver to display debugging information.

Note: This property is deprecated. Refer to the new Debug logger properties. null When the property is set to the default value, null, the VisiBroker ORB will try to use this property to locate the IR. null Specifies the name that is used by the VisiBroker ORB to locate the IR.

Client-side IIOP connection properties

The table below lists the VisiBroker for Java Client-side IIOP Connection properties.

Client-side IIOP connection properties

Property Default Description
vbroker.ce.iiop.ccm.connectionCacheMax 5 Specifies the maximum number of cached connections for a client. The connection is cached when a client releases it. Therefore, the next time a client needs a new connection, it first tries to retrieve one from the cache, instead of just creating a new one.
vbroker.ce.iiop.ccm.connectionMax 0 Specifies the maximum number of total connections for a client. This is equal to the number of active connections plus cached connections. The default value of zero specifies that the client will not try to close any of the old active or cached connections.
vbroker.ce.iiop.ccm.connectionMaxIdle 0 Specifies the time, in seconds, that the client uses to determine if a cached connection should be closed. If a cached connection has been idle longer than this time, then the client closes the connection.
vbroker.ce.iiop.ccm.type Pool Specifies the type of client connection management used by a client. The value Pool means connection pool. This is currently the only valid value for this property.
vbroker.ce.iiop.ccm.waitForCompletion false This property can be set to true to specify that the application wants to wait for all replies to be received and only after then should the ORB should close the connection. The default value of false indicates that ORB will not wait for any replies.
vbroker.ce.iiop.connection.tcpNoDelay FALSE When set to TRUE, the server's sockets are configured to send any data written to them immediately instead of batching the data as the buffer fills.
vbroker.ce.iiop.clientPort 0 (random port) Specifies the client port to be used when a connection is opened by the ORB. Allowed values range from 0 to 65535. A range should be specified using the vbroker.ce.iiop.clientPortRange property when this property is used.
vbroker.ce.iiop.clientPortRange 0 Specifies the range of client ports to be used when a connection is opened by the ORB, starting with the port specified by the vbroker.ce.iiop.clientPort property. Allowed values range from 0 to 65535. none This property declares the client address that is to be used when opening connections from a multihomed machine. If not specified, the default address is used.

URL Naming properties

This table lists the URL Naming properties.

Property Default Description
vbroker.URLNaming.allowUserInteraction true When set to true, allows the URL Naming Service to initiate the graphical user interface (GUI) for user interaction.
vbroker.URLNaming.debug false When set to true, specifies that the URLNaming Service display debugging information.

QoS-related Properties

Property Default Description
vbroker.orb.qos.relativeRTT 0 This property can be used to set the RelativeRoundtripTimeoutPolicy in milliseconds. It takes effect at the ORB level and can be overridden programatically at other levels. The default value of 0 means no timeout.
vbroker.qos.cache True Specifies if QoS policies should be cached per delegate, instead of being checked prior to every request made by the client.
vbroker.orb.qos.connectionTimeout 0 (no limit) This property allows the convenience of setting the RelativeConnectionTimeoutPolicy Qos policy at the ORB level, without requiring explicit code to be written. The connection timeout value should be specified in milliseconds.
vbroker.qos.backcompat False The default value of false will exhibit the VBJ70 VB_NOTIFY_REBIND behavior. A value of true will revert back to the VBJ65 VB_NOTIFY_REBIND behavior.

Server-side server engine properties

This table lists the server-side server engine properties.

Property Default Description iiop_tp Specifies the default server engine.

Server-side thread session IIOP_TS/IIOP_TS connection properties

The following table lists the server-side thread session IIOP_TS/IIOP_TS connection properties.

Property Default Description null Specifies the host name used by this server engine. The default value, null, means use the host name from the system. null Specifies the proxy host name used by this server engine. The default value, null, means use the host name from the system. iiop_ts Specifies the list of Server Connection Manager name(s). Socket Specifies the type of Server Connection Manager. 0 Specifies the maximum number of connections the server will accept. The default value, 0 (zero), implies no restriction. 0 Specifies the time in seconds the server uses to determine if an inactive connection should be closed. IIOP Specifies the type of protocol the listener is using. 0 Specifies the port number that is used with the host name property. The default value, 0 (zero), specifies that the system will pick a random port number. 0 Specifies the proxy port number used with the proxy host name property. The default value, 0 (zero), specifies that the system will pick a random port number. 1.2 This property can be used to resolve interoperability problems with older VisiBroker ORBs that cannot handle unknown minor GIOP versions correctly. Legal values for this property are 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2. For example, to make the nameservice produce a GIOP 1.1 ior, start it like this:

nameserv -VBJprop "ThreadSession" Specifies the type of thread dispatcher used in the Server Connection Manager.

Server-side thread session BOA_TS/BOA_TS connection properties

This protocol has the same set of properties as the thread session iiop_ts/iiop_ts connection properties, by replacing alliiop_ts with boa_ts in all the properties. For example, the will become Also, the default value for is boa_ts.

Server-side thread pool IIOP_TP/IIOP_TP connection properties

The following table lists the server-side thread pool IIOP_TP/IIOP_TP connection properties.

Property Default Description null Specifies the host name that can be used by this server engine. The default value, null, means use the host name from the system. Host names or IP addresses are acceptable values. null Specifies the proxy host name that can be used by this server engine. The default value, null, means use the host name from the system. Host names or IP addresses are acceptable values. iiop_tp Specifies the list of Server Connection Manager name(s). Socket Specifies the type of Server Connection Manager. 0 Specifies the maximum number of cache connections on the server. The default value, 0 (zero), implies no restriction. 0 Specifies the time, in seconds, that the server uses to determine if an inactive connection should be closed. IIOP Specifies the type of protocol the listener is using. 0 Specifies the port number used with the host name property. The default value, 0 (zero), means that the system will pick a random port number. 0 (zero) This property is effective only when listener.port is greater than 0 (zero). If the listener cannot bind to that port because the port may be in use then the listener will try to bind to the ports in the range [port, port+portRange]. If no ports in the range are available then a COMM_FAILURE exception will be thrown. 0 Specifies the proxy port number used with the proxy host name property. The default value, 0 (zero), means that the system will pick a random port number. ThreadPool Specifies the type of thread dispatcher used in the Server Connection Manager. 0 Specifies the minimum number of threads that the Server Connection Manager can create. 0 Specifies the maximum number of threads that the Server Connection Manager can create. The default value, 0 (zero) implies the ORB will control the thread generation using an internal algorithm based on heuristics.

Setting the property will imply that setting this property to 0 will enable unlimited number of threads in the thread pool to be created. false Setting this property to true will allow the thread pool to create unlimited number of threads when the property is set to 0. 300 Specifies the time in seconds before an idle thread will be destroyed. true When this property is set to false, this turns on buffering for the socket. The default value, true, turns off buffering, so that all packets are sent as soon as they are ready.

Server-side thread pool BOA_TP/BOA_TP connection properties

This protocol has the same set of properties as the thread pool iiop_tp/iiop_tp connection properties, by replacing all iiop_tp with boa_tp in all the properties. For example, the will become Also, the default value for is boa_tp.

Properties that support bi-directional communication

The following table lists the properties that support bi-directional communication. These properties are evaluated only once—when the SCMs are created. In all cases, the exportBiDir and importBiDir properties on the SCMs are given priority over the enableBiDir property. In other words, if both properties are set to conflicting values, the SCM-specific properties will take effect. This allows you to set the enableBiDir property globally and specifically turn off bi-directionality in individual SCMs.

Property Default Description
vbroker.orb.enableBiDir none You can selectively make bi-directional connections. If the client defines vbroker.orb.enableBiDir=client and the server defines vbroker.orb.enableBiDir=server the value of vbroker.orb.enableBiDir at the GateKeeper determines the state of the connection. Values of this property are: server, client, both or none.<se>.scm.<scm>.manager.exportBiDir By default, this property is not set by the ORB. This is a client-side property. Setting it to true enables creation of a bi-directional callback POA on the specified server engine. Setting it to false disables creation of a bidirectional POA on the specified server engine.<se>.scm.<scm>.manager.importBiDir By default, not set by the ORB. This is a server-side property. Setting it to true allows the server-side to reuse the connection already established by the client for sending requests to the client. Setting it to false prevents reuse of connections in this fashion.

Debug Logging properties

This section details the properties that can be used to control and configure the output of debug log statements. VisiBroker for Java internally uses Log4J infrastructure for logging.

The debug log statements are categorized according to the areas of the ORB from where they are logged. These categories are called source names. Currently the following source names are logged:

Enabling and Filtering

The following table describes the properties used to enable logging and filtering.

Enabling and filtering

Property Default Description
vbroker.log.enable false When set to true, all logging statements will be produced unless the log is being filtered.
Values are true or false.
vbroker.log.logLevel debug Specifies the logging level of the log message. When set at a level, the logs with log levels equal to the specified level or above are forwarded. This property is applied at the global level.
Values are emerg, alert, crit, err, warning, notice, info and debug ranking from the highest to the lowest.
The meaning of the log levels are:
  • emerg - indicates a panic condition.
  • alert - a condition that requires user attention--for example, if security has been disabled.
  • crit - critical conditions, such as a device error.
  • err - error conditions.
  • warning - warning conditions--these may accompany some troubleshooting advice, such as on the opening of a connection.
  • info - informational, such as binding in progress.
  • debug - debug conditions used by developers.
vbroker.log.default.filter.register null Register source name for controlling (filtering) the logs from that source.
Values are client, server, connection, cdr, se, agent and orb. Multiple values can be provided as a comma-separated string.

Note: The source names must be registered using this property before they can be explicitly controlled using
vbroker.log.default.filter.<source-name>.logLevel properties.

vbroker.log.default.filter.<source-name>.enable true Once a source name is registered, log output from the source can be explicitly controlled using this property.
Values are true or false.
vbroker.log.default.filter.<source-name>.logLevel debug This property provides finer-grained control over the global log level property. The log level specified using this property explicitly applies to the given source name.
The possible values are similar to the global logLevel values.
vbroker.log.default.filter.all.enable true This is a special case of the previous property where an inbuilt source name "all" is being used. "all" here denotes all the source names that have not been registered. 

Appending and Logging

The output of the logs can be appended to specific destinations and formatted using specific layouts. VisiBroker for Java uses the appenders and layouts provided by Log4J for these purposes. Two inbuilt appenders stdout and rolling implement console and rolling file implementation. Apart from the various layouts available with Log4J, two inbuilt layouts simple and xml provide good layout capabilities.

The following table describes the properties used to configure the destination of the log output and its format.

Property Default Description
vbroker.log.default.appenders stdout List of comma-separated appenders for specifying log output destination.Values are stdout, rolling and/or any user specified appender name. User can further specify the appenders using: log4j.appender.<name>=<full class name in log4j>
vbroker.log.default.appender.<appender-inst-name>.layoutType PatternLayout Type of layout (format) to be associated with the registered appender destination.
Values are simple or xml or a custom layout type.

Values are PatternLayout, simple, xml and/or the full class name of all the Log4J supported layout.

For the built-in rolling appender type, you can create the following configurations.

Property Default Description
vbroker.log.default.appender.rolling.logDir <current_directory> Directory for the rolling log file to reside in.
vbroker.log.default.appender.rolling.fileName vbrolling.log</td> Name of rolling log file.
vbroker.log.default.appender.rolling.maxFileSize 10 Size in MB for each backup before rolling over. Values >= 1.
vbroker.log.default.appender.rolling.maxBackupIndex 1 Number of backups needed. When set to 0 (zero), no backup is created and logging will keep on appending to the file. Values >= 0.

Deprecated Properties

Deprecated Properties

Deprecated Property Recommended Property
vbroker.orb.debug vbroker.log.enable
vbroker.orb.logLevel vbroker.log.logLevel
vbroker.agent.debug vbroker.log.default.filter.agent.enable
vbroker.locationservice.debug vbroker.log.default.filter.agent.enable
vbroker.poa.logLevel vbroker.log.default.filter.server.logLevel
vbroker.gatekeeper.passthru.logLevel vbroker.log.default.filter.gatekeeper.logLevel
vbroker.naming.logLevel vbroker.log.default.filter.naming.logLevel
vbroker.orb.logger.output vbroker.log.default.appenders

Setting Properties in an Applet

Setting properties for applets can only be done in the applet parameters. For example:

<APPLET archive="vbjorb.jar, vbsec.jar" CODE="ClientApplet.class">
     <PARAM NAME="org.omg.CORBA.ORBClass" VALUE="com.inprise.vbroker.orb.ORB">
     <PARAM NAME="vbroker.orb.alwaysTunnel" VALUE="true">

Note: VisiBroker 3.x-style command-line options cannot be used as applet parameters.

Web Services Runtime Properties

Using these properties listed, you can enable the runtime.

Web Services Runtime Properties

Property Default Description


Takes in a Boolean true or false parameter. Setting this value to true will enable the VisiBroker Web Services Runtime.

Web Services HTTP Listener properties

To configure the HTTP Listener, use the properties listed in the following table.

Web Services HTTP Listener properties

Property Default Description


Specifies the host name to be used by the listener. null Specifies the proxy host name used by the web services engine. Default value null means use the host name from the system.


Specifies the port number to be used by the listener socket. WS Specifies the protocol the listener is using. A value of WS-HIOPS will start a secure (https-based) listener.

Web Services Connection Manager properties

Using these properties listed below, you can configure the Web services Connection Manager.

Web Services Connection Manager properties

Property Default Description


If keepAliveConnection is true, this property specifies the maximum number of connections the server will accept. Default 0 indicates no restriction.


This property determines the maximum time an unused connection will remain alive.


Specifies the type of Server Connection Manager

SOAP Request Dispatcher properties

This table lists the SOAP Request Dispatcher properties.

SOAP Request Dispatcher properties

Property Default Description


Maximum number of threads to be present in the thread pool dispatcher. Default value 0 indicates unlimited number of threads.


Minimum number of threads to be present in the thread pool dispatcher.


Time in seconds before an idled thread in the thread pool is destroyed.


Specifies the type of thread dispatcher used in the Server Connection Manager

Getting the ORB version programmatically

When using VisiBroker for Java, you can obtain the ORB version string by calling the getVersion method on com.inprise.vbroker.orb.ORB class, as shown in the following example:

String orbVersion = com.inprise.vbroker.orb.ORB.getVersion();

Note: This method is static, so calling it does not require initializing the ORB

The version string appears in the format shown the following example:

Borland VisiBroker: VisiBroker for Java [07.01.00.B1.07] (FEB 18 2006 9:23:46)