VisiBroker for C++ API Reference Guide : VisiBroker for C++ Logging

VisiBroker for C++ Logging
This section describes the classes that support VisiBroker for C++ logging.
This class is a bootstrap class into the functionality provided by the logging library vdlog.
Include file
Include the vdlog.h file when you use this class.
VISDLoggerMgr methods
static VISDLoggerMgr_ptr instance();
Static function to access a singleton instance of VISDLoggerMgr.
CORBA::Boolean global_log_enabled();
Returns true if the global log switch is enabled, else false.
void global_log_enabled(CORBA::Boolean b);
Setter method for the global log level switch.
VISDLogLevel::Level global_log_level();
Returns the current global log level (verbosity) setting on the log manager.
void global_log_level(VISDLogLevel::Level l);
Setter for the global log level on the log manager.
VISDLogger_ptr get_default_logger();
Returns the default logger. If not created, creates and returns. The name of the returned logger is “default”.
VISDLogger_ptr get_logger(const char* name, VISDAppender_ptr* apps = NULL, CORBA::Short num_apps = 0);
Creates (if not created) and returns a logger with the given name.
void register_app_factory(VISDAppenderFactory* fac);
API for custom appender factories to register themselves with the logger framework. Factory will be added to a dictionary of appender factories indexed by its name. If a factory is not registered with the framework, then an instance of its type cannot be created.
VISDAppender_ptr create_app(const char* logger_name, VISDConfig::LogAppenderConfig_ptr p);
API to create an appender for the logger specified by its name using the configuration information pointed.
void register_lyt_factory(VISDLayoutFactory* fact);
API for custom layout factories to register themselves with the logger framework.
VISDLayout_ptr create_lyt(const char* logger_name, VISDConfig::LogAppenderConfig_ptr p);
API to create a layout instance.
Class providing the logging interface.
Include file
Include the vdlog.h file when you use this class.
VISDLogger methods
const char* name() const;
Returns the name of the logger object.
void log(VISDLogLevel::Level level, const char* component, const char* message, const char *sourcefile = NULL, CORBA::ULong linenum = 0, const void *bindata = NULL, size_t binsize = 0)
API to log messages.
Interface for appender factory implementations to implement. The logger framework calls on this interface for appender instance creation.
Include file
Include the vdlog.h file when you use this class.
VISDAppenderFactory methods
virtual const char* type_name() = 0;
This method is invoked by the logger framework when it needs to know the type of the factory. For example, when a factory registers itself with the logger manager, this API is called to get the type name. The type name identifies the type of destination to which its appenders will forward the logger. Type names “stdout”, “rolling” and others as mentioned in the developer guide are restricted from usage. Should return back a unique type name for the appender type.
virtual VISDAppender_ptr create(const char* logger_name, VISDConfig::LogAppenderConfig_ptr p) = 0;
This method is invoked by the logger framework when it needs to create an instance of the appender supported by this factory. The return value should be an instance of desired appender.
virtual void destroy(VISDAppender_ptr p) = 0;
This method is invoked by the logger framework when it is done with using the appender instance. The API is supposed to remove all resources dedicated to the appender instance when it was created.
class VISDAppender : public VISResource
Interface providing the appender interface. The logger object uses this interface to log to specific destinations.
Include file
Include the vdlog.h file when you use this class.
VISDAppender methods
virtual VISDAppenderFactory* factory() = 0;
Should return the associated factory object which created this appender instance.
virtual CORBA::Boolean append(const VISDLogRecord& record) = 0;
API used by the logger to forward the log message to a specific destination. The log record abstracts the complete log message. On successful completion of forwarding, the API should return TRUE.
virtual CORBA::Boolean ORB_initialized(void* orb_ptr) = 0;
This is a notification from the ORB that it has initialized. If an appender is going to use any of the ORB functionality, then it needs to wait for this notification and return back TRUE. Otherwise, it should return back FALSE. After this notification, the appender can start using any of the ORB interfaces.
virtual void ORB_shutdown() = 0;
This is a notification from the ORB that it is shutting down. If the appender is using any ORB functionality, then it needs to stop using that after this notification.
Interface for layout factory implementations to implement. The logger framework calls on this interface for layout instance creation.
Include file
Include the vdlog.h file when you use this class.
VISDLayoutFactory methods
virtual const char* type_name() = 0;
Returns the type name of the layout that this factory will create.
virtual VISDLayout_ptr create(const char* logger_name, VISDConfig::LogAppenderConfig_ptr p) = 0;
Should creates a layout instance. This API is called by the logger framework when an instance of the layout is desired.
virtual void destroy(VISDLayout_ptr layout) = 0;
Framework calls this API when it is done with usage of the layout and needs to factory to destroy the instance.
class VISDLayout : public VISResource
Interface which all layout instances should implement. Appenders which desire to format the log message before outputting to the desired destination will make use of this interface.
Include file
Include the vdlog.h file when you use this class.
VISDLayout methods
virtual VISDLayoutFactory* factory() = 0;
Should return the factory of the layout instance that created it.
virtual void format(const VISDLogRecord& record, char* buf, CORBA::ULong buf_size, CORBA::String_var& other_buf) = 0;
API that is called by the appender instances for formatting the log record. The appender allocates buffer and sends the buffer into this API and expects the layout to format the message and set in this buffer. However, if the layout wants more memory than that has been sent to it by the appender, then it can itself allocate memory and make use of other_buf.
Namespace class for configuration structures.
Include file
Include the vdlog.h file when you use this class.
LogAppenderConfig structure
struct LogAppenderConfig {
CORBA::String_var appender_name;
CORBA::String_var appender_type;
CORBA::String_var layout_type;
typedef LogAppenderConfig* LogAppenderConfig_ptr;
This structure contains a single appender instance configuration on a logger. This is filled and passed to the factory interfaces by the logger framework after reading from the configurations.
Class abstracting a log message. Apart from the actual log message, it also captures various other states such as thread id, timestamp etc.parameter.
Include file
Include the vdlog.h file when you use this class.
VISDLogRecord methods
Timestamp get_timestamp() const;
Returns the timestamp of the log record.
CORBA::ULong get_seq_number() const;
Returns a sequence number if many log records are logged at the same time interval.
CORBA::ULong get_process_id() const;
Returns the process id.
CORBA::ULong get_thread_id() const;
Returns the thread id of the thread that logged this message.
const char* get_thread_name() const;
If the thread is named, then it returns the thread name.
const char* get_logger_name() const;
Returns the logger object's name.
VISDLogLevel::Level get_log_level() const;
Returns the verbosity of the logged message.
const char* get_component_name() const;
Returns the source name of the source that logged the message.
const char* get_filename() const;
Returns the name of the file that logged the message.
CORBA::ULong get_line_number() const;
Returns the line number in the file from where the log message is emanating.
const char* get_message() const;
This is the actual logged message.
const unsigned char* get_bindata() const;
Returns any binary data that is piggybacking on the log record.
size_t get_binsize() const;
Returns the size of the binary data.
Class enclosing verbosity enumeration Level.
Include file
Include the vdlog.h file when you use this class.
Level enumeration
enum Level {
OFF_ = 1000,
EMERG_ = 800,
EXCEP_ = 800,
FATAL_ = 800,
ALERT_ = 700,
CRIT_ = 600,
ERROR_ = 500,
WARN_ = 400,
NOTICE_ = 300,
INFO_ = 200,
DEBUG_ = 100,
ALL_ = 0,