x"AF" Function 62 - Suspend Use of Panels by Adis

Suspends the use of Panels by Adis.

The x"AF" function 62 allows you to suspend the use of Panels by Adis, in order to allow direct screen writes where Panels is not required.

You must have previously initialized Adis to use Panels using x"AF" function 49.


call x"AF" using  suspend-function


suspend-function pic x comp-x value 62.
suspend-parameter A pic x comp-x value field containing one of the following values:
  • 0 - suspend the use of Panels
  • 1 - re-enable the use of Panels


If Adis has not been initialized to work with Panels, the value 255 is returned in suspend-function.


 01 suspend-function     pic x comp-x value 62.
 01 suspend-parameter    pic x comp-x.
*   (Code to set up Adis to use Panels)
* Suspend Panels working
     move 0 TO suspend-parameter.
     call x"af" using suspend-function
* Reactivate Panels working   
     move 1 TO suspend-parameter.
     call x"af" using suspend-function