Compiling for Animation

By default, the COBOL system uses the -a cob flag to compile your source files ready for animation, producing an .int file and .idy file.

Intermediate code

To compile to intermediate code:

cob prog-name.cbl

Generated code

To compile to generated code:

cob -ug prog-name.cbl
Note: The code optimizations that occur when .gnt files are produced create the following restrictions on Character Animator behavior:
  • When you are stepping through a program compiled to .gnt code, you have to press Step twice to step a line of code with a breakpoint set.
  • When doing Step Perform on an inline PERFORM statement which is the last statement in a paragraph, and where control falls into the next paragraph, Character Animator might skip the first statement of the next paragraph, although the code is correctly executed.

Callable shared objects

To compile to a callable shared object:

cob -zg prog-name.cbl

System executables

To compile to a system executable:

cob -xg prog-name.cbl