Translates a buffer of OEM characters into the ANSI character set.


call "PC_WIN_OEM_TO_CHAR" using     srcbuff
                          by value   srclen
                          returning status-code


  Using call prototype (see Key) Picture
srcbuff pic x(n). pic x(n).
tgtbuff pic x(n). pic x(n).
srclen cblt-os-size pic x(4) comp-5


pic x(8) comp-5 (64-bit native programs only)

tgtlen cblt-os-size pic x(4) comp-5


pic x(8) comp-5 (64-bit native programs only)

status-code See Library Routines - Key  

On Entry:

srcbuff Buffer of OEM characters to be converted.
srclen Length of srcbuff. If this parameter is zero, then srcbuff is a null-terminated string all of which will be converted.
tgtlen Length of tgtbuff.

On Exit:

tgtbuff Buffer of ANSI characters converted from the OEM input. This parameter must be at least as long as the number of characters in srcbuff. If srcbuff and tgtbuff are the same buffer, then the characters will be converted in place in the buffer.


If status-code is non-zero, then the call failed due to the target buffer being of insufficient size.