X"91" function 49

Disables insertion of tab characters in line sequential files.

Note: This function is not supported in JVM COBOL.


call x"91" using result


  Using call prototype (see Key) Picture
result cblt-x1-compx pic x comp-x.
function-code cblt-x1-compx pic x comp-x.
parameter FD name of file

On Entry:

function-code Value 49
parameter The file-identifier specified in the File Description (FD). Must refer to a line sequential file which is currently open.

On Exit:

result Set to zero if the call was successful, nonzero otherwise.


On input all tab characters are expanded to the correct number of spaces, while on output to disk, multiple spaces before a tab stop position are contracted to a tab character. This function lets you disable tab insertion for individual files regardless of the setting of the run-time tab compression switch T.