X"A7" functions 20 and 21

Reads and sets system attributes.
Restriction: This routine is supported in native COBOL only.


call X"A7" using     function-code
           returning status-code


Call prototype: cblt-x1-compx
Picture: pic x comp-x.
Group containing:
01 sys-attr-array
  03 sys-attr   cblt-x1-compx occurs 16   *> pic x comp-x occurs 16 times.
See Library Routines - Key

On Entry:

Defines the action:
20 Read system attributes
21 Set system attributes
Contains the system attributes to set. The attributes are used for:
sys-attr-1 Invisible
sys-attr-2 Reverse video
sys-attr-3 Normal
sys-attr-4 Highlighted
sys-attr-5 Normal underlined
sys-attr-6 Highlighted underlined
sys-attr-7 System normal
sys-attr-8 Flashing highlighted
sys-attr-9 Unused
sys-attr-10 User reverse
sys-attr-11 User normal
sys-attr-12 User highlighted
sys-attr-13 Unused
sys-attr-14 Unused
sys-attr-15 Unused
sys-attr-16 Operating system normal

On Exit:

Contains the system attributes read.


System attributes are used by some parts of the system to display screens in various colors or shades (depending on the type of screen). This means that by changing the system attributes, you can colorize displays to a particular choice. These calls can be used if you use components such as Panels which require attribute values as part of their parameters.

If you want to alter any of the attributes you should first read the current setting of the attributes, update the attribute array with any changes you want to make and then set the attributes. Doing things this way ensures that you do not affect the settings of any of the attributes which you are not interested in.