Date and Time Services

The following table shows the LE date and time callable services that are supported by this COBOL system.

Routine Description Supported?
CEECBLDY Convert date to COBOL Lilian format Yes
CEEDATE Convert Lilian date to character format Yes
CEEDATM Convert seconds to a character timestamp Yes
CEEDAYS Convert date to Lilian format Yes
CEEDYWK Calculate day of week from Lilian date Yes
CEEGMT Get current Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) Yes
CEEGMTO Get difference between GMT and local time Yes
CEEISEC Convert integers to seconds Yes
CEELOCT Get the current local date or time Yes
CEEQCEN Get the century window Yes
CEESCEN Set the century window Yes
CEESECI Convert seconds to integers Yes
CEESECS Convert timestamp to number of seconds Yes
CEEUTC Get Coordinated Universal Time (alias of CEEGMT) Yes

The FLGS data item in the FEED_BACK condition (FC) token is not set or used by this COBOL system.