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Creating a New Index File

You can use special operation codes to recreate an index file from the data file part of an existing indexed file as follows:

  1. Create the new index file using CREATE INDEX FILE (special operation code x"07")
  2. Read each record from the data file using GET NEXT RECORD (special operation code x"08")
  3. For each key value in the record, add the key value to the index file using ADD KEY VALUE (special operation code x"09")

The following example shows you how to create a new index file from an existing data file:

 78 close-file                  value x"fa80"
 78 open-new-index              value x"0007".
 78 get-next-rec                value x"0008".
 78 add-key-value               value x"0009".
     move open-new-index to fh-opcode
     perform extfh-op
     move get-next-rec to fh-opcode
     perform extfh-op
     perform until fcd-status (1:1) not = "0"
         perform varying fcd-key-id from 0 by 1
                   until fcd-key-id = key-count 
                      or fcd-status (1:1) not = "0"  
             move add-key-value to fh-opcode
             perform extfh-op
         move get-next-rec to fh-opcode
         perform extfh-op
     move close-file to fh-opcode
     perform extfh-op
     call "EXTFH" using fh-opcode, fcd
     if fcd-status of fcd (1:1) = "1"
         move 1 to return-code
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