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fs /d dbase.ref /f \accounts\nomlgr.dat /k d001i7

specifies that the data file nomlgr.dat in the directory accounts has data compression and key compression activated if it is created by the Fileshare Server. The d001 option specifies the data compression routine you want to use is the same as if you compiled your program with the DATACOMPRESS"1" Compiler directive. The i7 option specifies the key compression to use is the same as if you compiled your program with the KEYCOMPRESS"7" Compiler directive. This overrides any data or key compression specified in the program.

fs /d dbase.ref /f \accounts\salesday.dat /o tl

specifies that any transaction processing specified in your program for the data file salesday.dat in the directory accounts is ignored. Also, logging is disabled for this file.

fs /d dbase.ref /f \ref\clients.dat /af \oldref\oldclnts.dat /o s

specifies that all I/O requests for the data file clients.dat in the directory ref are redirected to the data file oldclnts.dat in the directory oldref. In addition, database sequence numbering is disabled for this file.

fs /d dbase.ref /f \accounts\saleslgr.dat

enables logging and database sequence numbering for the data file saleslgr.dat in the directory accounts. By default, logging and database sequence numbering are enabled for every data file listed in the database reference file.

fs /d dbase.ref /f \orders\week10.dat

enables logging and database sequence numbering for the data file week10.dat in the directory orders. By default, logging and database sequence numbering are enabled for every data file listed in the database reference file.

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