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Compiling with just the

Restriction: This topic applies only when a Database Connectors license has been installed via the Micro Focus License Management System, and applies to Windows platforms only.

You can compile the preceding program with just the to generate the XFD. The compiled program builds the database table shown at the end of this section.

The database table builds as follows.
  • First, any fields listed in the KEY IS clause of the SELECT are included (p-o-number in this example).
  • The compiler then takes the largest record (p-o-detail-record) and lists the fields that make up that record.
The rest of this section shows the specific fields that are placed into the table.

All data from the COBOL program is stored in and retrieved from the database, even though not all fields are explicitly named in the database table. For a description of how this works, see XFDs.

The underlined fields are the only ones entered into the table:

fd p-o-file.
 01  p-o-record.
     03  p-o-division-number                   pic 9(3).
     03  p-o-record-type                       pic x.
         88  header-record                     value "h".
         88  detail-record                     value "d".
     03  p-o-number                            pic 9(10).
     03  p-o-number-detail redefines p-o-number.
         05  picking-ticket-number             pic 9(6).
         05  shipping-region                   pic 9(2).
         05  p-o-customer-type                 pic 9(2).
         05  p-o-customer-breakdown redefines 
             07  customer-category             pic x.
                 88  p-o-customer-retail       value "r".
                 88  p-o-customer-whlsale      value "w".
             07  customer-pay-format           pic x.
                 88 is-net-30                  value "3".
                 88 is-net-10                  value "1".
     03  p-o-date.
         05  p-o-yy                            pic 9(2).
         05  p-o-mm                            pic 9(2).
         05  p-o-dd                            pic 9(2).
 01  p-o-detail-record.
     03  p-o-dept-number                       pic 9(3).
     03  p-o-record-type                       pic x.
     03  detail-p-o-number                     pic 9(10).
     03  p-o-shipping-info.
         05  p-o-quantity-to-ship              pic s9(4) comp.
         05  p-o-total-quantity                pic s9(4) comp.
     03  p-o-notes.
         05  notes-line occurs 3 times         pic x(40).

As the table is built:

Note: detail-p-o-number is not part of the table because the key overlays this area.

The following table is built in the database:

Column Name Type
p_o_number number(10)*
p_o_dept_number number(3)*
p_o_record_type char(1)
p_o_quantity_to_ship      number(4)*
p_o_total_quantity number(4)*
notes_line_1 char(40)
notes_line_2 char(40)
notes_line_3 char(40)

* The actual database data type may vary.

See the Limits and Ranges topic for your specific RDBMS for a list of supported data types and their COBOL equivalents.

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