Specifying a Tool to Enable Problem Number Entry

You need to specify a tool which will enable you to enter a problem number which can then be associated with an Eclipse file. You can do this by specifying a dialog box where you can enter the problem number:

  1. Right-click the Tool Descriptors category folder, and then click New Child > AWM > Open Modeled Dialog.

    This opens the Enter Obect ID dialog box.

  2. In the New ID field, type OFFL_TOOL_AWM_Dialog_GetProblemNumber.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Right-click OFFL_TOOL_AWM_Dialog_GetProblemNumber, and the click Edit.

    This opens the Edit Properties dialog box.

  5. Double-click the Description value cell, and then type Associate problem number with &OFFL_PROP_ECLIPSE_Name.
  6. Double-click the Title value cell, and then type Problem Number Dialog.
  7. Double-click the Resource Processing value cell, and then select UPDATE.
  8. Click OK.
  9. The dialog box should have the problem number as an input field.

    Right-click OFFL_TOOL_AWM_Dialog_GetProblemNumber, and then click New Child > Input Parameter.

  10. Right-click String Input Parameter, and then click Edit.

    This opens the Edit Properties dialog box.

  11. Double-click the Target ID Parm field, and then select OFFL_PROP_CONT_ProblemNumber.
  12. Click OK.
  13. You can now preview the dialog box that the Open Modeled Dialog tool creates:

    Right-click OFFL_TOOL_AWM_Dialog_GetProblemNumber, and then click Preview Dialog.

    This opens a preview of the Problem Number dialog box. It should look like:

    Problem Number Dialog Box
  14. To close the dialog box, click Cancel.