Debugging Services and Applications on Enterprise Server Using the cassi Command

To debug a service using the cassi command using the default enterprise server ESDEMO, follow these steps:

  1. Start the server ESDEMO. You can do this either using the Web interface Enterprise Server Administration, or using the casstart command. For more information, see your Enterprise Server documentation.
  2. Start a debug service execution process on the server ESDEMO. Enter:
    cassi -a -rESDEMO
  3. Compile your program with a command such as:
    cob -ia myprog.cbl
  4. Deploy the service to ESDEMO, or if you have already deployed it, redeploy it (this involves deleting the deployed service). See the help topics To deploy a service interface using the deploy tool and To redeploy a service interface. Ensure that you also deploy the program's .idy file, which is needed for debugging.
  5. Create a client program for your service. See the help topic To generate a COBOL client from a Web service mapping.
  6. Run the client program and enter some input.
  7. As soon as the service is entered, the Server Express Animator starts, displaying the source of your program ready for debugging. You can now step through the deployed service in the usual manner.

You must also either deploy the .cbl and .cpy files or set the COBCPY environment variable in ESDEMO's configuration to point to the location of the files. For more information about setting environment variables for enterprise servers see the section Environment Variables in the chapter Configuration in your Enterprise Server Configuration and Administration Guide.

Any service that runs in the debug service execution process is debugged, that is, the Server Express Animator starts up as soon as the service is entered.