Creating the AD LDS Server Instance

Restriction: This topic applies only when the Enterprise Server feature is enabled.

An AD LDS instance acts an LDAP server. This process describes how to create a server instance specifically for Enterprise Server use.

  1. Click Start > Administrative Tools > Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services Setup Wizard
  2. In the wizard screens select the following options and use the following values:
    Setup Options page
    Select the option A unique instance.
    Instance Name page
    In the Instance name field, enter: MFES.
    Ports page
    Accept the default LDAP and SSL ports: 389 and 636.
    Application Directory Partition page
    Select the option Yes, create an application directory partition and enter the name CN=Micro Focus,CN=Program Data,DC=local.
    File Locations page
    Accept the default file store location (or specify a custom one - this should make no difference).
    Service Account Selection page
    Select to run the service using the Default network service account and override any warning messages that appear.
    AD LDS Administrators page
    Use your current logged-on account (note that you can create an additional AD LDS administrative account in a later step, in case you do not normally use an Administrative account)
    Importing LDIF Files page
    Select the option Import the selected LDIF files, and from the list, select MS-User.LDF to be imported.
  3. On the final wizard screen, click Next to create the instance with your configurations.

As the instance is created, messages appear to show the progress. You may be prompted by your firewall. If so, configure it appropriately to allow your AD LDS instance to accept connections at least from localhost on port 389.