Formatting Options for the Indentation in the Procedure Division

Specify preferences for how formatting changes the code in the Procedure Division.

You change these preferences from Tools > Options > Text Editor > Micro Focus COBOL > Formatting > Indentation > Procedure Division.

Configure the indentation within EVALUATE statements:
Indent WHEN labels
Specify the indent of WHEN clauses relative to the start of the EVALUATE statement.
Indent WHEN contents
Specify the indent for the code within WHEN clauses relative to the start of the WHEN label.


Period placement
Specify your preferences for the position of periods:
End of line - position periods at the end of the statement.
Fixed - specify the column in which periods should be positioned.
Next line - position periods on the next line in the column where the previous line starts.
TO keyword alignment
Check this to align any TO keywords of neighboring statements. Applies only if Format statement whitespace is enabled.
None - position periods at the end of the statement.
Fixed - specify the column in which periods should be positioned. Periods are positioned on a new line, if necessary.
Automatic - position period in the optimal line to align with neighbouring statements.


Nested indent reference
Specify the indent of the content of multi-line statements:
  • Continuation Indent - the content starts in the same column as the wrapped lines of the multi-line statement, which is determined by the Indent for wrapped statements.
  • Start of Container - the content starts in the same column as the statement.
Indent for wrapped statements
Specify the indent of the code on the next line relative to the start of the statement.

Whitespace options

Format statement whitespace
Check this for formatting to remove any trailing line whitespace.
Align signature parameters & arguments
Check this to align any parameters following a USING, RETURNING, or a GIVING statement. Applies only if Format statement whitespace is enabled.