
Formats a system dump or auxiliary trace so that it is suitable for analysis.
Restriction: This topic applies only when the Enterprise Server feature is enabled.




/a Use the A data set (default)
/b Use the B data set
/x Use the X data set (for external dumps produced by casdump /d)
/c Display only the Application Program Interface (API) entries
/d Display module IDs
/ffile-name The name of the output formatted dump file
/n Omit page headers
/ifile-name The name of the input trace file. Overrides /a, /b, /r, /x, and aux
/l List summary information only
/mxx{,xx}... The module IDs to be included in the screen trace
/pnn{,nn}... The process IDs to be included in the screen trace
/res-name Name of the enterprise server that owns the dump. Defaults to ESDEMO
/snnnnnn Split output after every nnnnnn lines
/w Wide trace format
/0 Module/transaction trace
/1 /0 level trace plus API
/2 /0 and /1 level trace plus RTS and EXTFH trace
/3 All formatted trace
/4 All trace (default)
aux Format an auxiliary trace dump data set. The default is that a system dump is formatted
/e Exclude user data mode
/h Display usage


You must have created a system dump or auxiliary trace before you can issue casdup.


You can use a dash (-) before a parameter as an alternative to a forward slash (/).