White Paper

OpenText Data Protector Backup and Recovery Considerations

Organizations can mitigate risk and identify threats by leveraging an end-to-end data backup and recovery strategy. These organizations are preventing data loss, protecting against ransomware, consolidating data backup and recovery, and achieving regulatory compliance whether virtual, physical, or off-cloud with OpenText enterprise data backup and disaster recovery solutions.

Reading this white paper you will learn about:

  • All the risks leading to data loss.
  • How-to plan backups with the restore in mind.
  • What hardware best to use.

Backup and Recovery are the core of a secure digital organization

Data Protector is a secure enterprise data backup and disaster recovery solution across physical, virtual, and cloud workload environments with ransomware protection, block-based data backup and recovery solutions across all organizational endpoints.

Learn more: Download the white paper

release-rel-2024-7-3-9459 | Fri Jul 19 15:51:10 PDT 2024
Fri Jul 19 15:51:10 PDT 2024